Authors Beginning With the Letter H
Hadullo, Kennedy
- 2018 — Avec Oboko, Robert et Omwenga, Elijah, “Status of e-learning Quality in Kenya: Case of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Postgraduate Students”
Hadzilacos, Thanasis
- 2013 — Avec Mavroudi, Anna, “Learning Needs Analysis of Collaborative E-Classes in Semi-Formal Settings: The REVIT Example”
Hai-Jew, Shalin
Hakim, Kameylah
- 2011 — With Travers, Nan L., Smith, Bernard, Ellis, Leslie, Brady, Tom, Feldman, Liza, Onta, Bhuwan, Panayotou, Maria, Seamans, Laurie, and Treadwell, Amanda, “Language of Evaluation: How PLA Evaluators Write about Student Learning”
Håklev, Stian
- 2015 — With Najafi, Hedieh, Rolheiser, Carol, and Harrison, Laurie, “University of Toronto Instructors’ Experiences with Developing MOOCs”
- 2009 — With Schmidt, Jan Philipp, Geith, Christine, and Thierstein, Joel, “Peer-To-Peer Recognition of Learning in Open Education”
Halili, Siti Hajar
- 2016 — Avec Zainuddin, Zamzami, “Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study”
Hall, Barbara Miller
Hall, Tiffany
- 2012 — With Wiley, David, Hilton III, John Levi, and Ellington, Shelley, “A Preliminary Examination of the Cost Savings and Learning Impacts of Using Open Textbooks in Middle and High School Science Classes”
Halliwell, Catherine
- 2022 — Avec Duckworth, Jennifer, “Evaluation of Higher-Order Skills Development in an Asynchronous Online Poster Session for Final Year Science Undergraduates”
Hamaidi, Diala A.
- 2021 — With Arouri, Yousef M., Noufal, Rana K., and Aldrou, Islam T., “Parents’ Perceptions of Their Children’s Experiences With Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Hamdan, Amani K
Hamilton, David
- 2005 — With Hult, Agneta, Dahlgren, Ethel, and Söderström, Tor, “Teachers' Invisible Presence in Net-based Distance Education”
Hamilton, Doug
- 2010 — Avec Chao, Ining Tracy et Saj, Tami, “Using Collaborative Course Development to Achieve Online Course Quality Standards”
Hammond, Kelly
Hamre, Bridget
- 2016 — With LoCasale-Crouch, Jennifer, Roberts, Amy, and Neesen, Kathy, “If You Build It, Will They Come? Predictors of Teachers’ Participation in and Satisfaction with the Effective Classroom Interactions Online Courses”
Han, Insook
- 2014 — Avec Han, Seungyeon, “Adoption of the Mobile Campus in a Cyber University”
Han, Jinghe
- 2005 — Avec Singh, Michael, “Globalizing Flexible Work in Universities: Socio-Technical Dilemmas in Internationalizing Education”
Han, Seung-lock
- 2017 — Avec Lange, Christopher et Costley, Jamie, “The Effects of Extraneous Load on the Relationship Between Self-Regulated Effort and Germane Load Within an E-Learning Environment”
Han, Seungyeon
- 2014 — Avec Han, Insook, “Adoption of the Mobile Campus in a Cyber University”
Hancock, Sandra
- 2003 — Avec Ariza, Eileen N., “Second Language Acquisition Theories as a Framework for Creating Distance Learning Courses”
Händel, Åsa
- 2015 — Avec Norberg, Anders et Ödling, Per, “Using MOOCs at Learning Centers in Northern Sweden”
Handoko, Erwin
- 2019 — With Gronseth, Susie L., McNeil, Sara G., Bonk, Curtis J., and Robin, Bernard R., “Goal Setting and MOOC Completion”
Hanft, Anke
- 2011 — Avec Zawacki-Richter, Olaf et Bäcker, Eva Maria, “Validation of Competencies in E-Portfolios: A Qualitative Analysis”
Hannon, Peggy A.
- 2002 — With Umble, Karl E., Alexander, Lorraine, Francisco, Don, Steckler, Allan, Tudor, Gail, and Upshaw, Vaughn, “Gagne and Laurillard's Models of Instruction Applied to Distance Education: A theoretically driven evaluation of an online curriculum in public health”
Hanny, Courtney N.
- 2023 — With Graham, Charles R., West, Richard E., and Borup, Jered, ““Someone in Their Corner”: Parental Support in Online Secondary Education”
Hansson, Henrik
- 2016 — With Aghaee, Naghmeh, Byron Jobe, William, Karunaratne, Thashmee, Smedberg, Åsa, and Tedre, Matti, “Interaction Gaps in PhD Education and ICT as a Way Forward: Results from a Study in Sweden”
- 2013 — Avec Aghaee, Naghmeh, “Peer Portal: Quality Enhancement in Thesis Writing Using Self-Managed Peer Review on a Mass Scale”
Hard, Natasha
- 2015 — With Brown, Mark, Hughes, Helen, Keppell, Mike, and Smith, Liz, “Stories from Students in Their First Semester of Distance Learning”
Hardhono, A.P.
- 2002 — With Belawati, Tian, Anggoro, Mohamad Toha, and Darmayanti, Tri, “Electronic Tutorials: Indonesian experience”
Hardy, Darcy W.
- 2002 — Avec Robinson, Robert L., “The University of Texas System TeleCampus: A Statewide Model for Collaboration”
Hargis, Jace
- 2016 — Avec Cavanaugh, Cathy et Mayberry, John, “Participation in the Virtual Environment of Blended College Courses: An Activity Study of Student Performance”
Harpaz-Gorodeisky, Gal
- 2006 — With Beyth-Marom, Ruth, Bar-Haim, Avaid, and Goder, Eti, “Identification, Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation among Tutors at the Open University of Israel”
Harper, Sarah
- 2017 — Avec Rao, Allen et Hilton III, John, “Khan Academy Videos in Chinese: A Case Study in OER Revision”
Harris, Heidi Skurat
- 2021 — Avec Glazier, Rebecca A., “Instructor Presence and Student Satisfaction Across Modalities: Survey Data on Student Preferences in Online and On-Campus Courses”
Harris, Margaret
- 2011 — Avec Cornelius, Sarah et Gordon, Carole, “Role Engagement and Anonymity in Synchronous Online Role Play”
Harrison, David J
Harrison, J. Buckley
- 2014 — Avec West, Richard E., “Sense of Community in a Blended Technology Integration Course: A Design-Based Research Study”
Harrison, Laurie
- 2015 — With Najafi, Hedieh, Rolheiser, Carol, and Håklev, Stian, “University of Toronto Instructors’ Experiences with Developing MOOCs”
Harrison, Michelle
- 2021 — With Morgan, Tannis, Childs, Elizabeth, Hendricks, Christina, DeVries, Irwin, and Jhangiani, Rajiv, “How Are We Doing with Open Education Practice Initiatives? Applying an Institutional Self-Assessment Tool in Five Higher Education Institutions”
- 2013 — With Brewer, Sharon E., Cinel, Bruno, and Mohr, Christina L., “First Year Chemistry Laboratory Courses for Distance Learners: Development and Transfer Credit Acceptance”
Harrison, Roger
- 2014 — Avec Gemmell, Isla et Reed, Katie, “Student Satisfaction with a Web-Based Dissertation Course: Findings from an International Distance Learning Master’s Programme in Public Health”
Harry, Keith
Harsh, Om Kumar
Hartnett, Maggie
- 2011 — Avec St. George, Alison et Dron, John, “Examining Motivation in Online Distance Learning Environments: Complex, Multifaceted, and Situation-Dependent”
Harvey, Brian
Harvey-Carter, Liz
Harvey, Paul
- 2022 — Avec Bond, John, “The Effects and Implications of Using Open Educational Resources in Secondary Schools”
Hasani, Lintang Matahari
- 2022 — Avec Santoso, Harry Budi et Junus, Kasiyah, “Designing Asynchronous Online Discussion Forum Interface and Interaction Based on the Community of Inquiry Framework”
Hassanzadeh, Maryam
- 2016 — With Ghadirian, Hajar, Fauzi Mohd Ayub, Ahmad, and Binti Abu Bakar, Kamariah, “Growth patterns and E-Moderating Supports in Asynchronous Online Discussions in an Undergraduate Blended Course”
Haug, Ruth
- 2018 — With Tumbo, Siza D, Mwalukasa, Nicholaus, Fue, Kadeghe G, Mlozi, Malongo R. S., and Sanga, Camilius, “Exploring Information Seeking Behavior of Farmers’ in Information Related to Climate Change Adaptation Through ICT (CHAI)”
Hawkins, Abigail
- 2012 — Avec Barbour, Michael K. et Graham, Charles R., ““Everybody is their own Island”: Teacher Disconnection in a Virtual School”
Hawkins, Thomas
- 2015 — Avec Rohr, Linda Elizabeth et Costello, Jane, “Design Considerations for Integrating Twitter into an Online Course”
Hawranik, Pamela
- 2016 — With Gauvreau, Sarah, Hurst, Deborah, and Cleveland-Innes, Martha, “Online Professional Skills Workshops: Perspectives from Distance Education Graduate Students”
Haycock, Jo
- 2014 — Avec Baxter, Jacqueline Aundree, “Roles and Student Identities in Online Large Course Forums: Implications for Practice”
Hayes, Suzanne
- 2013 — With Shea, Peter, Uzuner Smith, Sedef, Vickers, Jason, Bidjerano, Temi, Gozza-Cohen, Mary, Jian, Shou-Bang, Pickett, Alexandra M., Wilde, Jane, and Tseng, Chi-Hua, “Online Learner Self-Regulation: Learning Presence Viewed through Quantitative Content- and Social Network Analysis”
- 2010 — Avec Shea, Peter et Vickers, Jason, “Online Instructional Effort Measured through the Lens of Teaching Presence in the Community of Inquiry Framework: A Re-Examination of Measures and Approach”
He, Wei
- 2022 — Avec Zhao, Li et Su, Yu-Sheng, “Effects of Online Self-Regulated Learning on Learning Ineffectiveness in the Context of COVID-19”
He, Wenliang
- 2014 — With Jiang, Suhang, Williams, Adrienne E., Warschauer, Mark, and O'Dowd, Diane K., “Influence of Incentives on Performance in a Pre-College Biology MOOC”
He, Wu
- 2013 — Avec Chen, Yong, “Security Risks and Protection in Online Learning: A Survey”
- 2008 — Avec Abdous, M'hammed, “A Framework for Process Reengineering in Higher Education: A case study of distance learning exam scheduling and distribution”
Healing, Graham
- 2019 — With Cross, Simon, Sharples, Mike, and Ellis, Jim, “Distance Learners’ Use of Handheld Technologies”
Heaps, Allan
- 2017 — Avec Jung, Eulho et Bauer, Christine, “Higher Education Faculty Perceptions of Open Textbook Adoption”
Hedt-Gauthier, Bethany
- 2016 — With Warugaba, Christine, Naughton, Brienna, Muhirwa, Ernest, and Amoroso, Cheryl L., “Experience with a Massive Open Online Course in Rural Rwanda”
Heinen, Richard
- 2015 — Avec Kerres, Michael, “Open Informational Ecosystems: The Missing Link for Sharing Educational Resources”
Heller, Richard F
- 2019 — Avec Strobl, Judith et Madhok, Rajan, “Online Education for Public Health Capacity Building in Low- to Middle-Income Countries”
Hendricks, Christina
- 2021 — With Morgan, Tannis, Childs, Elizabeth, Harrison, Michelle, DeVries, Irwin, and Jhangiani, Rajiv, “How Are We Doing with Open Education Practice Initiatives? Applying an Institutional Self-Assessment Tool in Five Higher Education Institutions”
- 2017 — Avec Reinsberg, Stefan A. et Rieger, Georg W, “The Adoption of an Open Textbook in a Large Physics Course: An Analysis of Cost, Outcomes, Use, and Perceptions”
Hendrikz, Johan
Hennis, Thieme
- 2018 — With Poquet, Oleksandra, Kovanović, Vitomir, de Vries, Pieter, Joksimović, Srećko, Gašević, Dragan, and Dawson, Shane, “Social Presence in Massive Open Online Courses”
Henrie, Curtis R
- 2015 — With Bodily, Robert, Manwaring, Kristine C, and Graham, Charles R, “Exploring Intensive Longitudinal Measures of Student Engagement in Blended Learning”
Hensel, Tracy
- 2003 — With Annis, Judy, Lundstrom, Patricia, and Jones, Richard, “19. Integrated Course Delivery Packages”
Henson, Shelley
- 2008 — With Caswell, Tom, Jensen, Marion, and Wiley, David, “Open Educational Resources: Enabling universal education”
Henwood, Scott
- 2013 — With Shimoni, Rena, Barrington, Gail, and Wilde, Russ, “Addressing the Needs of Diverse Distributed Students”
Heo, Heeok
- 2020 — Avec Doo, Min Young et Bonk, Curtis, “A Meta-Analysis of Scaffolding Effects in Online Learning in Higher Education”
Hernández Sellés, Nuria
- 2013 — Avec Muñoz Carril, Pablo César et González Sanmamed, Mercedes, “Pedagogical Roles and Competencies of University Teachers Practicing in the E-Learning Environment”
Herodotou, Christothea
- 2018 — With Rienties, Bart, Olney, Tom, Schencks, Mat, and Boroowa, Avi, “Making Sense of Learning Analytics Dashboards: A Technology Acceptance Perspective of 95 Teachers”
Herrera, Alma
- 2019 — With Cervantes-Perez, Francisco, Vadillo, Guadalupe, and Bucio, Jackeline, “Characterizing UNAM’s Open Education System Using the OOFAT Model”
Herrington, Jan
Hershkovitz, Arnon
- 2020 — Avec Michaeli, Shiran et Kroparo, Dror, “Teachers' Use of Education Dashboards and Professional Growth”
Hesemeier, Susan
- 2002 — Avec Sosteric, Mike, “When is a Learning Object not an Object: A first step towards a theory of learning objects”
Hew, Khe Foon
Hii, Puong Koh
- 2020 — With Goh, Chin Fei, Tan, Owee Kowang, and Rasli, Amran, “Why do University Teachers use E-Learning Systems?”
Hill, Adrian
- 2008 — Avec Kop, Rita, “Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past?”
Hill, Laurie
- 2017 — With Johnson, Carol, Lock, Jennifer, Altowairiki, Noha, Ostrowski, Chris, da Rosa dos Santos, Luciano, and Liu, Yang, “Using Design-Based Research to Develop Meaningful Online Discussions in Undergraduate Field Experience Courses”
Hillen, Stefanie A.
- 2014 — Avec Landis, Melodee, “Two Perspectives on E-Learning Design: A Synopsis of a U. S. and a European Analysis”
Hillman, Angela R.
- 2021 — With Brooks, Anna R., Barr, Marcus, and Strycker, Jesse, “Evaluation of Open Educational Resources for an Introductory Exercise Science Course”
Hilton, Bryson
- 2020 — With Hilton, John, Ikahihifo, Tarah K., Chaffee, Reta, Darrow, Jennifer, Guilmett, JoAnn, and Wiley, David, “Identifying Student Perceptions of Different Instantiations of Open Pedagogy”
Hilton III, John
- 2019 — Avec Delgado, Huimei et Delgado, Michael, “On the Efficacy of Open Educational Resources”
- 2017 — Avec Rao, Allen et Harper, Sarah, “Khan Academy Videos in Chinese: A Case Study in OER Revision”
- 2017 — “Special Issue: Outcomes of Openness: Empirical Reports on the Implementation of OER”
- 2016 — With Fischer, Lane, Wiley, David, and Williams, Linda, “Maintaining Momentum Toward Graduation: OER and the Course Throughput Rate”
- 2012 — Avec Lutz, Neil et Wiley, David A., “Examining the Reuse of Open Textbooks”
- 2011 — Avec Wiley, David, “Open-Access Textbooks and Financial Sustainability: A Case Study on Flat World Knowledge”
- 2009 — Avec Wiley, David, “Editorial: Openness and the Future of Higher Education”
- 2009 — Avec Wiley, David, “Openness, Dynamic Specialization, and the Disaggregated Future of Higher Education”
Hilton III, John Levi
- 2018 — Avec Wiley, David, “Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy”
- 2014 — With Robinson, T. Jared, Wiley, David, and Ackerman, J. Dale, “Cost-Savings Achieved in Two Semesters Through the Adoption of Open Educational Resources”
- 2013 — With Gaudet, Donna, Clark, Phil, Robinson, Jared, and Wiley, David, “The Adoption of Open Educational Resources by One Community College Math Department”
- 2012 — With Wiley, David, Ellington, Shelley, and Hall, Tiffany, “A Preliminary Examination of the Cost Savings and Learning Impacts of Using Open Textbooks in Middle and High School Science Classes”
Hilton, John
- 2020 — With Hilton, Bryson, Ikahihifo, Tarah K., Chaffee, Reta, Darrow, Jennifer, Guilmett, JoAnn, and Wiley, David, “Identifying Student Perceptions of Different Instantiations of Open Pedagogy”
Hinojo-Lucena, Francisco-Javier
- 2019 — With Aznar-Díaz, Inmaculada, Cáceres-Reche, María-Pilar, and Romero-Rodríguez, José-María, “A Tour of Open Universities Through Literature”
Hlosta, Martin
- 2023 — Avec Martínez-Carrascal, Juan Antonio et Sancho-Vinuesa, Teresa, “Using Survival Analysis to Identify Populations of Learners at Risk of Withdrawal: Conceptualization and Impact of Demographics”
Hodges, Charles B.
- 2015 — Avec Lowenthal, Patrick R., “In Search of Quality: Using Quality Matters to Analyze the Quality of Massive, Open, Online Courses (MOOCs)”
Hogue, Rebecca
- 2011 — With deWaard, Inge, Abajian, Sean, Gallagher, Michael Sean, Keskin, Nilgün, Koutropoulos, Apostolos, and Rodriguez, Osvaldo C., “Using mLearning and MOOCs to Understand Chaos, Emergence, and Complexity in Education”
Hollands, Fiona M.
- 2014 — Avec Tirthali, Devayani, “Resource Requirements and Costs of Developing and Delivering MOOCs”
Hollo, Kaspar
- 2018 — With Lepp, Marina, Palts, Tauno, Luik, Piret, Papli, Kaspar, Suviste, Reelika, Säde, Merilin, Vaherpuu, Vello, and Tõnisson, Eno, “Troubleshooters for Tasks of Introductory Programming MOOCs”
Holmes, Wayne
- 2019 — With Pozzi, Francesca, Manganello, Flavio, Passarelli, Marcello, Persico, Donatella, Brasher, Andrew, Whitelock, Denise, and Sangrà, Albert, “Ranking Meets Distance Education”
Holmsten, Elin
- 2010 — Avec Cunningham, Una et Beers Fägersten, Kristy, ““Can you hear me, Hanoi?” Compensatory Mechanisms Employed in Synchronous Net-Based English Language Learning”
Holthaus, Matthias
- 2013 — Avec Remmele, Bernd, “De-Gendering in the Use of E-Learning”
Hong, Seongyoun
- 2016 — Avec Jung, Insung, “Faculty Members' Instructional Priorities for Adopting OER”
- 2014 — Avec Jung, Insung, “An Elaborated Model of Student Support to Allow for Gender Considerations in Asian Distance Education”
Hood, Nina
- 2018 — Avec Littlejohn, Allison, “Hacking History: Redressing Gender Inequities on Wikipedia Through an Editathon”
Hopcan, Sinan
- 2022 — Avec Polat, Elif et Yahşi, Ömer, “Are K–12 Teachers Ready for E-learning?”
Horn, Laura
- 2014 — With Radford, Alexandria Walton, Robles, Jessica, Cataylo, Stacey, Thornton, Jessica, and Whitfield, Keith, “The Employer Potential of MOOCs: A Mixed-Methods Study of Human Resource Professionals’ Thinking on MOOCs”
Horzum, Mehmet Barış
- 2015 — Avec Uyanik, Gülden Kaya, “An Item Response Theory Analysis of the Community of Inquiry Scale”
- 2014 — Avec Randler, Christoph et Vollmer, Christian, “The Influence of Personality and Chronotype on Distance Learning Willingness and Anxiety among Vocational High School Students in Turkey”
Hoter, Elaine
- 2009 — Avec Shonfeld, Miri et Ganayim, Asmaa, “Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Service of Multiculturalism”
Hotrum, Michael
- 2005 — Avec Ludwig, Brian et Baggaley, Jon, “43. Open Source Software: Fully featured vs. “the devil you know””
- 2005 — “44. Breaking Down the LMS Walls”
Howell, Scott L.
- 2010 — Avec Davies, Randall S. et Petrie, Jo Ann, “A Review of Trends in Distance Education Scholarship at Research Universities in North America, 1998-2007”
- 2004 — Avec Rogers, P. Clint, “Use of Distance Education by Religions of the World to Train, Edify and Educate Adherents”
- 2002 — Avec Waddoups, Gregory L., “Bringing Online Learning to Campus: The Hybridization of Teaching and Learning at Brigham Young University”
Hoyme, Cindy
- 2003 — With Cox, Nolan, Martindale, Neil, and Morch, Liz, “20. Whiteboard Products”
Hsiao, Chia-Hua
- 2014 — With Huang, Rui-Ting, Tang, Tzy-Wen, and Lien, Tsung-Cheng, “Exploring the Moderating Role of Perceived Flexibility Advantages in Mobile Learning Continuance Intention (MLCI)”
Hsieh, Chen-Wei
- 2016 — Avec Chen, Sherry Y., “A Cognitive Style Perspective to Handheld Devices: Customization vs. Personalization”
Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan
- 2018 — Avec Hung, Wei-Hsi et Huang, Yao-De, “Critical Factors of the Adoption of e-Textbooks: A Comparison Between Experienced and Inexperienced Users”
Hsu, Ting-Chia
- 2022 — Avec Abelson, Hal et Lao, Natalie, “Editorial - Volume 23, Issue 1”
- 2022 — Avec Abelson, Hal et Van Brummelen, Jessica, “The Effects on Secondary School Students of Applying Experiential Learning to the Conversational AI Learning Curriculum”
Hsu, Yu-Chang
- 2017 — “Book Review: Conducting Qualitative Research of Learning in Online Spaces”
- 2016 — Avec Ching, Yu-Hui, “Learners’ Interpersonal Beliefs and Generated Feedback in an Online Role-Playing Peer- Feedback Activity: An Exploratory Study”
- 2013 — Avec Ching, Yu-Hui, “Mobile App Design for Teaching and Learning: Educators’ Experiences in an Online Graduate Course”
- 2013 — Avec Ching, Yu-Hui, “Peer Feedback to Facilitate Project-Based Learning in an Online Environment”
- 2012 — Avec Ching, Yu-Hui, “Mobile Microblogging: Using Twitter and Mobile Devices in an Online Course to Promote Learning in Authentic Contexts”
Hsu, Yu-Sheng
- 2014 — With Chang, Chi-Cheng, Shu, Kuen-Ming, Liang, Chaoyun, and Tseng, Ju-Shih, “Is Blended e-Learning as Measured by an Achievement Test and Self-Assessment Better than Traditional Classroom Learning for Vocational High School Students?”
Hu, Xiaoyong
- 2019 — With Zhang, Qing, Bonafini, Fernanda Cesar, Lockee, Barbara B., and Jablokow, Kathryn W., “Exploring Demographics and Students’ Motivation as Predictors of Completion of a Massive Open Online Course”
- 2017 — Avec Wang, Qiyun et Quek, Choon Lang, “Designing and Improving a Blended Synchronous Learning Environment: An Educational Design Research”
Hu, Yuanyuan
- 2022 — Avec Donald, Claire et Giacaman, Nasser, “Cross Validating a Rubric for Automatic Classification of Cognitive Presence in MOOC Discussions”
Hu, Yung-Hsiang
Huang, Echo
- 2012 — Avec Cheng, Jinn-Shing et Lin, Chuan-Lang, “An E-Book Hub Service Based on a Cloud Platform”
Huang, Hao-Hsuan
- 2022 — With Tzeng, Jian-Wei, Lee, Chia-An, Huang, Nen-Fu, and Lai, Chin-Feng, “MOOC Evaluation System Based on Deep Learning”
Huang, Hsiu-Mei
- 2018 — Avec Liaw, Shu-Sheng, “An Analysis of Learners’ Intentions Toward Virtual Reality Learning Based on Constructivist and Technology Acceptance Approaches”
- 2015 — Avec Liaw, Shu-Sheng, “How Factors of Personal Attitudes and Learning Environments Affect Gender Difference toward Mobile Distance Learning Acceptance”
Huang, Jianqing
- 2016 — With Cheng, Xusen, Wang, Xueyin, and Zarifis, Alex, “An Experimental Study of Satisfaction Response: Evaluation of Online Collaborative Learning”
Huang, Nen-Fu
- 2022 — With Tzeng, Jian-Wei, Lee, Chia-An, Huang, Hao-Hsuan, and Lai, Chin-Feng, “MOOC Evaluation System Based on Deep Learning”
Huang, Rui-Ting
- 2014 — With Hsiao, Chia-Hua, Tang, Tzy-Wen, and Lien, Tsung-Cheng, “Exploring the Moderating Role of Perceived Flexibility Advantages in Mobile Learning Continuance Intention (MLCI)”
Huang, Yao-De
- 2018 — Avec Hung, Wei-Hsi et Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan, “Critical Factors of the Adoption of e-Textbooks: A Comparison Between Experienced and Inexperienced Users”
Huang, Yu-An
- 2012 — Avec Liu, Ying Chieh et Lin, Chad, “Organizational Factors’ Effects on the Success of E-Learning Systems and Organizational Benefits: An Empirical Study in Taiwan”
Huang, Yueh-Min
- 2022 — Avec Cheng, Yu-Ping et Cheng, Shu-Chen, “An Internet Articles Retrieval Agent Combined With Dynamic Associative Concept Maps to Implement Online Learning in an Artificial Intelligence Course”
- 2020 — Avec Shadiev, Rustam et Wang, Xueying, “Promoting Intercultural Competence in a Learning Activity Supported by Virtual Reality Technology”
- 2018 — Avec Chang, Jui-Hung et Chiu, Po-Sheng, “A Sharing Mind Map-oriented Approach to Enhance Collaborative Mobile Learning With Digital Archiving Systems”
- 2016 — With Lai, Chia-Hung, Liu, Ming-Chi, and Liu, Chia-Ju, “Using Positive Visual Stimuli to Lighten The Online Learning Experience through In Class Questioning”
Huang, Zhenyu
- 2021 — With Lu, Mingxiao, Cui, Tianyi, Zhao, Hong, Li, Tao, and Wang, Kai, “A Systematic Review of Questionnaire-Based Quantitative Research on MOOCs”
Huggins, Nyakotyo
- 2012 — With Mpofu, Vongai, Samukange, Tendai, Kusure, Lovemore M, Zinyandu, Tinoidzwa M, Denhere, Clever, Ndlovu, Shakespear, Chiveya, Renias, Matavire, Monica, Mukavhi, Leckson, Gwizangwe, Isaac, Magombe, Elliot, Magomelo, Munyaradzi, Sithole, Fungai, and Wiseman, Chingombe, “Challenges of Virtual and Open Distance Science Teacher Education in Zimbabwe”
Hughes, Helen
- 2015 — With Brown, Mark, Keppell, Mike, Hard, Natasha, and Smith, Liz, “Stories from Students in Their First Semester of Distance Learning”
Hughes, Hilary
- 2019 — Avec Oddone, Kay et Lupton, Mandy, “Teachers as Connected Professionals”
Huijser, Henk Johannes
- 2008 — Avec Bedford, Tas et Bull, David, “OpenCourseWare, Global Access and the Right to Education: Real access or marketing ploy?”
Hulkko, Annelie
- 2016 — Avec Stenbom, Stefan et Jansson, Malin, “Revising the Community of Inquiry Framework for the Analysis of One-To-One Online Learning Relationships”
Hülsmann, Thomas
Hult, Agneta
- 2005 — With Dahlgren, Ethel, Hamilton, David, and Söderström, Tor, “Teachers' Invisible Presence in Net-based Distance Education”
Hummel, Hans G. K.
Hung, Hui-Chun
- 2014 — Avec Young, Shelley Shwu-Ching, “Coping with the Challenges of Open Online Education in Chinese Societies in the Mobile Era: NTHU OCW as a Case Study”
Hung, Shu-chiu
Hung, Wei-Hsi
- 2018 — Avec Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan et Huang, Yao-De, “Critical Factors of the Adoption of e-Textbooks: A Comparison Between Experienced and Inexperienced Users”
Hunsaker, Enoch
- 2020 — Avec Clements, Kyle et West, Richard Edward, “Getting Started With Open Badges and Open Microcredentials”
Hunsaker, Enoch W.
- 2019 — With Kimmons, Royce, Jones, J. Evan, and Stauffer, McKell, “The Nationwide Landscape of K–12 School Websites in the United States”
Hur, Mann Hyung
Hurst, Deborah
- 2016 — With Gauvreau, Sarah, Cleveland-Innes, Martha, and Hawranik, Pamela, “Online Professional Skills Workshops: Perspectives from Distance Education Graduate Students”
Hwang, Gwo-Jen
- 2022 — Avec Tu, Yun-Fang et Tang, Kai-Yu, “AI in Online-Learning Research: Visualizing and Interpreting the Journal Publications from 1997 to 2019”
Hwang, Wu-Yuin
- 2014 — Avec Kongcharoen, Chaknarin et Ghinea, Gheorghita, “To Enhance Collaborative Learning and Practice Network Knowledge with a Virtualization Laboratory and Online Synchronous Discussion”