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Geoscience Canada

Volume 1, numéro 4, november 1974

Sommaire (19 articles)


  1. Editorial


  1. The Canadian Mining Geophysical Industry - Diagnosis and Prognosis
  2. Ocean Tides
  3. Recent Advances and the Interpretation of Geological Structure of New Brunswick
  4. La Tectonique des Appalaches du Québec
  5. The Geoscientist and Canadian Science Policy (With Gleanings from a SCITEC Forum)

Conference Reports / Compte rendus de réunions

  1. Field Course in Glacial Hydrology
  2. Geodynamics of Iceland and the North Atlantic Area
  3. 17th Conference on Great Lakes Research

Features / Rubriques

  1. History of Canadian Geology:: The Scintillation Counter: Its Early Application as a Geophysical Instrument
  2. Geological Education:: Individual Audio-Visual Instruction for Geology Students
  3. The Soil Column:: Pipelines, Soils and Farming

Book Reviews / Critiques

Anciens numéros de Geoscience Canada