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Journal of Childhood Studies

Volume 48, Number 1, January 2023 Time Special Issue Guest-edited by Zsuzsa Millei and Camila da Rosa Ribeiro

Table of contents (11 articles)

From the Editors

  1. Editorial

Articles from Research

  1. Timely Development: Visualizing Children’s Growth and Potential
  2. Migrant Childhoods and Temporalities in India: A Reflective Engagement with Dominant Discourses
  3. Duty, Discipline, and Dreams: Childhood and Time in Hindutva Nation
  4. The Future is Now From Before: Youth Climate Activism and Intergenerational Justice
  5. “The Ice is Melting and I Don’t Want Santa to Drown!”: Reflections on Childhood, Climate Action, and Futurity
  6. Timescapes in Childhood Memories of Everyday Life During the Cold War
  7. Pedagogies of Time: “Editing” Textbooks, Timelines, and Childhood Memories
  8. Childhoods and Time: A Collective Exploration

Ideas from Practice

  1. Refusing to Grow Old: The Antichronocratic Labour of Cypriot Activist Youth and What It Can Teach Us About Decolonizing Childhood and Related Knowledge Production
  2. Zooming with Babies: Troubling a Shared Present


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