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Journal of the Canadian Historical Association
Revue de la Société historique du Canada

Volume 26, numéro 2, 2015

Sommaire (13 articles)

Mark Salber Phillips’s On Historical Distance: A Panel Discussion

  1. Mark Salber Phillips’s On Historical Distance: A Panel Discussion: Introduction
  2. Varieties of Historical Representation
  3. Dramatizing Historical Distance
  4. Historical Distance and Questions of Form in 5½ Points
  5. Distance and Distances in our View of the Past

James Daschuk’s Clearing the Plains: A Panel Discussion

  1. James Daschuk’s Clearing the Plains: A Panel Discussion: Introduction
  2. Clearing the Path to Truth: Clearing the Plains: Disease, Politics of Starvation and the Loss of Aboriginal Life, by James Daschuk, and the narrative of Canadian history. A Commentary
  3. Clearing the Plains and Changing the National Conversation: James Daschuk’s Clearing the Plains as a Work of Popular and Public History
  4. Clearing the Plains and Teaching the Dark Side of Canadian History
  5. Some Reflections of My Own on Clearing the Plains
  1. The Explosion in Grandma’s Attic, the Cabinet of Curiosities, and Chance Encounters at the GLBT History Museum
  2. Prostitutes and Prophylaxis: Venereal Disease, Surveillance, and Discipline in the Canadian Army in Europe, 1939-1945
  3. Gender and the Great Experiment: ‘Feminine and Canadian Eyes’ See Soviet Women, 1926–1936

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