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Geoscience Canada

Volume 3, numéro 4, november 1976

Sommaire (21 articles)


  1. Earthquake Prediction in China
  2. Canada's Active Western Margin: The Case for Subduction
  3. Use of Geophysical Wireline Logs for Interpreting Depositional Processes
  4. La Géometrie des Méandres, Une Méthode D'Analyse

Conference Reports / Compte rendus de réunions

  1. Stockwell Symposium on the Hudsonian Orogeny and Plate Tectonics
  2. Field Workshop in Earth Science Education
  3. Geophysical Union at Quebec City, 1976
  4. The Disposal of High Level Nuclear Waste in the Oceans
  5. Symposium on Quaternary Soils

Features / Rubriques

Book Reviews / Critiques

Anciens numéros de Geoscience Canada