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International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 14, Number 1, March 2013

Table of contents (15 articles)


Research Articles

  1. Green Curriculum: Sustainable Learning at a Higher Education Institution
  2. A Predictive Study of Student Satisfaction in Online Education Programs
  3. On-the-Job E-Learning: Workers’ Attitudes and Perceptions
  4. An OER Architecture Framework: Needs and Design
  5. Development of ODL in a Newly Industrialized Country according to Face-to-Face Contact, ICT, and E-Readiness
  6. Employability in Online Higher Education: A Case Study
  7. Identifying Barriers to the Remix of Translated Open Educational Resources
  8. Uses of Published Research: An Exploratory Case Study
  9. A Framework for Developing Competencies in Open and Distance Learning
  10. Peer Portal: Quality Enhancement in Thesis Writing Using Self-Managed Peer Review on a Mass Scale
  11. Learning in Multiple Communities from the Perspective of Knowledge Capital
  12. A Multimedia Approach to ODL for Agricultural Training in Cambodia
  13. Automatic Evaluation for E-Learning Using Latent Semantic Analysis: A Use Case

Field Notes

  1. “Opening” a New Kind of School: The Story of the Open High School of Utah


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