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Simmel Studies

Volume 24, numéro 1, 2020 Special Issue dedicated to Otthein Rammstedt, sociologist and editor of the Georg Simmel Gesamtausgabe

Otto-Heinrich “Otthein” Rammstedt (*January 26, 1936 – † January 27, 2020)

in memoriam

Sommaire (15 articles)

Section I - Remembering Otthein Rammstedt

Section II - Writings

  1. Wie kam Georg Simmel zur Modernen?
  2. Georg Simmel und Gustav Schmoller. Soziologie in Berlin um 1890. Für Otthein Rammstedt (1938-2020) in Dankbarkeit
  3. The Unpublished Correspondence between Hans Simmel and Max Horkheimer (1936–1943). Some Remarks on Critical Theory, Georg Simmel’s Sociology, and the Tasks of the Institute for Social Research


Anciens numéros de Simmel Studies