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Canada's Journal on Refugees
Revue canadienne sur les réfugiés

Volume 40, numéro 1, 2024 Symposium on Structures of (Un)Welcome

Sommaire (16 articles)

Articles / Articles

  1. “There Is No Safe Place in This Plant”: Refugee Workers in Canadian Meatpacking and the Limits of Permanent Legal Status
  2. Calculated Kindness? The Voices of Women Refugee Claimants: Accessing Pre- and Postnatal Health Care Services in Toronto, Ontario
  3. Gender and Asylum Seeking in a European Borderland: Intersectional Discriminations and “Lessened” Citizenship

General Articles / Articles généraux

  1. Resettlement of Older Syrian Refugees in Canada: Key Individual Factors of Social Inclusion
  2. Claim Types in Canada’s Refugee Determination System: An Empirical Snapshot (2013–2021)
  3. The Survivors: Syrian Young Adult Refugee Experiences Navigating the Quebec Education System
  4. A Double-Edged Sword? The Role of Digital Technologies in Marriage and Divorce Among Syrian Refugees in Northern Jordan
  5. Children and Youths’ Belonging in Protracted Displacement: A Mixed-Methods Study from Kakuma Refugee Camp
  6. Always the Ideal? Exploring the Risks of Refugee Participation in Research
  7. Families with Refugee Backgrounds Rebuilding New Lives: A Saskatchewan Study
  8. Religion as a Resource? The Impact of Religiosity on the Sense of Purpose in Life of Young Muslim Refugees in Germany

Book Reviews / Recensions d’ouvrages


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