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Canada's Journal on Refugees
Revue canadienne sur les réfugiés

Volume 39, numéro 2, 2023 Special Issue: Refugees and Bureaucratic Violence Numéro spécial : Réfugiés et violence bureaucratique

Sommaire (17 articles)


  1. Unmasking the Impact of Bureaucratic Violence


  1. “A Total Black Hole”: How COVID-19 Increased Bureaucratic Violence Against Refugees in Greece
  2. Multiple Encounters: Queer Migrants and Bureaucratic Violence
  3. Fragmentation of Hope through Tiny Acts of Bureaucratic Cruelty - Another Kind of War on Afghan People Seeking Asylum in Sweden
  4. Waiting in Captivity: Slow Borders, Predatory Bureaucracies, and the Necrotemporality of Asylum Deterrence
  5. “They Stopped the Lives of Others”: Stateless Palestinians Facing Bureaucratic Violence in Sweden

General Articles / Articles généraux

  1. Autism in the Context of Humanitarian Emergency: The Lived Experiences of Syrian Refugee Mothers of Children on the Autism Spectrum
  2. The Principle of Substitution: The Argentine Contribution to Private Sponsorship Schemes?
  3. Making Your Own Weather: Self-Reliance and Working for Resettlement Among Sudanese Refugee Men in Amman, Jordan
  4. Changes in Shared Decision-Making Roles and Perceived Stress in Syrian Refugee Parents Resettled in the Greater Toronto Area
  5. What to Pack? The Semiotics of Be-Longing(s) of Syrian Displaced Women
  6. Sisters-in-Waiting: A Case Study of Displaced Syrian Women Fostering New Senses and Memories of Home in Lebanon
  7. Perceived Discrimination and Poverty among Syrian Refugee Women in Jordan

Book Reviews / Recensions d’ouvrages


Anciens numéros de Refuge