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Understanding Fiduciary Duties and Relationship Fiduciarity[Notice]

  • Leonard I. Rotman

Purdy Crawford Chair in Business Law and Professor, Schulich School of Law Dalhousie University. Some of the theory and principles discussed in this article are influenced by or adapted from material first published or conceptualized in Mark R Gillen & Faye Woodman, eds, The Law of Trusts: A Conceptual Approach, 3rd ed (Toronto: Emond, 2015) 769; Leonard I Rotman, “Fiduciary Law’s ‘Holy Grail’: Reconciling Theory and Practice in Fiduciary Jurisprudence” (2011) 91:3 BUL Rev 921; Leonard I Rotman, “Is Fiduciary Law Efficient? A Preliminary Analysis” in Russell Weaver & François Lichère, eds, Remedies and Economics (Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires D’Aix-Marseille, 2011) 126; Leonard I Rotman, “The Fiduciary Concept and the Subjective Nature of Legal Certainty” (2008) 110 R du N 359; Dr Leonard I Rotman, Fiduciary Law (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2005); Leonard I Rotman, “Fiduciary Doctrine: A Concept in Need of Understanding” (1996) 34:4 Alta L Rev 821. This article is written for my children Joey (z”l), Hal, and Caia.

Citation: (2017) 62:4 McGill LJ 975

Référence : (2017) 62:4 RD McGill 975

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