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McGill Law Journal
Revue de droit de McGill

Volume 59, numéro 1, september 2013

Sommaire (7 articles)


  1. McGill Convocation Address: Legal Pluralism in Practice
  2. Clearing the Air? Information Disclosure, Systems of Power, and the National Pollution Release Inventory
  3. Privacy, Corrective Justice, and Incrementalism: Legal Imagination and the Recognition of a Privacy Tort in Ontario
  4. Reframing the “Universality” of International Law in a Globalizing World
  5. Libéralités et personnes âgées : entre autonomie et protection
  6. Contract’s Meaning and the Histories of Classical Contract Law

Book Review / Recension critique

Anciens numéros de McGill Law Journal / Revue de droit de McGill