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Justifying Fiduciary Duties[Notice]

  • Paul B. Miller

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, McGill University, M.Phil. (Cambridge), J.D. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Philosophy) (Toronto). I am grateful to Bill Bratton, Evan Criddle, Hanoch Dagan, Deborah DeMott, Chris Essert, Evan Fox-Decent, Tamar Frankel, Andrew Gold, Erik Knutsen, Ethan Leib, the late Larry Ribstein, Henry Smith, Lionel Smith, Stephen Smith, and Julian Velasco for their comments. This paper was presented at a roundtable on Fiduciary Foundations of Public Law at the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association in San Francisco in June 2011. I am grateful to members of the audience for their comments as well. I retain responsibility for any errors or omissions. Author contact information: McGill University Faculty of Law, 3674 Peel Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1W9; paul.miller@mcgill.ca.

Citation: (2013) 58:4 McGill LJ 969

Référence : (2012) 58 : 4 RD McGill 969

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