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Symposium: Mixed JurisdictionsSymposium : juridictions mixtes

“Dignitizing” Free Speech in Israel: The Impact of the Constitutional Revolution on Free Speech Protection[Notice]

  • Guy E. Carmi

Adjunct Lecturer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel & Attorney-at-Law, Lipa Meir & Co, Advocates. SJD & LLM, University of Virginia School of Law. I received valuable help on this paper from many, including Robert O’Neil, A.E. Dick Howard, Risa Goluboff, Daphne Barak-Erez, Ronald Roth, Doron Shultziner, Reuven (Ruvi) Ziegler, Eyal Peleg, Andrew George and Bell Shpivak. I thank all of them for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this article. All errors and omissions remain mine alone.

Citation: (2012) 57:4 McGill LJ 791

Référence : (2012) 57 : 4 RD McGill 791

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