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Regulating Financial Institutions: The Value of Opacity[Notice]

  • Anita Anand et
  • Andrew Green

Professors, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. Thanks to the participants of the 2010 meetings of the 4-Sided Law and Economics Group (Faculty members from Toronto, Sienna, and Tel Aviv), the 2010 annual meeting of the Canadian Law and Economics Associations, UBC’s Business Law Institute’s 2011 Seminar on Banks, Markets and Regulation, and Grant Bishop for helpful comments. Thanks to Emily Bala, Adam Friedlan, Haakim Nainar, Chava Schwebel, and Dharshini Vigneshawaran for valuable research assistance funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Citation: (2012) 57:3 McGill LJ 399

Référence : (2012) 57 : 3 RD McGill 399

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