By examining what transpires at school for children of mixed-status immigrant families in what is spoken and what is kept silent, Figueroa demonstrates students’ depth of understanding of their own immigration status and how it shapes their self-identity. Through this collaborative longitudinal research, citizenship and self-advocacy are explored in a manner that amplifies marginalized students’ voices and expertise.
- citizenship,
- immigration,
- children's rights,
- mixed-status families,
- student voice
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Biographical note
Wraychel Gilmore, PhD, is at the University of Toronto and specializes in children’s participatory human rights, their political consultation, and informal workplace adult learning. She has 25 years of experience in community development and strategic change. Her career spans across executive, nonprofit, government, and consulting roles. Wraychel works within national and international circles, with notable contributions including piloting programs for both the Ministry of Children and Youth Services and the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities in Ontario. She holds a master’s in religion and culture and multiple postsecondary certifications in social work and governance. Email: wraychel.gilmore@mail.utoronto.ca
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