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Journal of the Canadian Historical Association
Revue de la Société historique du Canada

Volume 32, numéro 2, 2022

Sommaire (12 articles)

  1. Households Large and Small: Healthcare Civilians and the Prominence of Women’s Work in the Edmonton Bulletin’s Reporting of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic
  2. Decolonizing the Holocaust: Curatorial Possibilities at the Montreal Holocaust Museum
  3. Between Expiatory Religious Processions and Individual Escapes: Responses to Bubonic Plague Epidemics in the Historiae of Gregory of Tours and Paul the Deacon

CHA Best Scholarly Book in Canadian History Roundtable / Table ronde de la SHC sur le meilleur livre savant en histoire canadienne

Canadian Historical Association’s Wallace K. Ferguson Roundtable / Table ronde Wallace-K.-Ferguson de la Société historique du Canada

Illicit Sexuality, Agency, and Historical Change / Sexualité illicite, pouvoir et changement historique

Anciens numéros de Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada