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Journal of the Canadian Historical Association
Revue de la Société historique du Canada

Volume 25, numéro 1, 2014

Sommaire (10 articles)

  1. Made in Canada! The Canadian Manufacturers’ Association’s Promotion of Canadian-Made Goods, 1911-1921
  2. “Tobacco has Blossomed like the Rose in the Desert”: Technology, Trees, and Tobacco in the Norfolk Sand Plain, c. 1920-1940
  3. Cigarette Marketing and Smoking Culture in 1930s Canada
  4. La Palme présenteDisplicuit Nasus Tuus : quand la caricature sert de discours politique au Québec
  5. “We All Used to Meet at the Hall”: Assessing the Significance of the Universal Negro Improvement Association in Toronto, 1900–1950
  6. “At Last! The Government’s War on Poverty Explained”: The Special Planning Secretariat, the Welfare State, and the Rhetoric of the Poverty in the 1960s
  7. “Some thought they were ‘in Love’”: Sex, White Teenagehood, and Unmarried Pregnancy in Early Postwar Canada
  8. Tradition and Transitions: Elders Working in Canadian Prisons, 1967-1992
  9. ParticipACTION, Healthism, and the Crafting of a Social Memory (1971–1999)
  10. A Half-Century of Possessive Individualism: C.B. Macpherson and the Twenty-First-Century Prospects of Liberalism

Anciens numéros de Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada