This study explores whether a range of socio-demographical factors predict adult learner self-directedness in the context of South African open and distance e-learning higher education (ODeLHE). We observe significant differences between socio-demographical groups in the sub-dimensions of the Adult Learner Self-Directedness Scale. The study advances a theory on adult learner self-directedness in ODeLHE contexts. Educators should consider learners’ support practices, particularly in the cases of women, Black Africans, and younger cohorts. ODeLHE practices should also consider learners’ high school grades and proficiency in English, their library access, number of modules they are enrolled in, and who they support financially as factors influencing their level of self-directedness. Such considerations can be used to address the need for the translation of knowledge into policies and activities that improve educational opportunities for students.
- open and distance e-learning (ODeL),
- open and distance e-learning higher education (ODeLHE),
- higher education,
- adult learner,
- self-directedness,
- socio-demographic variables
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Biographical notes
Ingrid L. Potgieter is an NRF-rated Professor in Human Resource Management at the Department of Human Resource Management at UNISA. She has been a registered industrial psychologist at the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) since 2009 and a registered human resource practitioner at the South African Board for People Practices (SABPP). Ingrid Potgieter completed her Mcom degree in Human Resource Management and Industrial Psychology in 2009 at the University of Pretoria. She completed her Dcom Industrial Psychology degree at Unisa in 2012. She is also an author and co-author of several published articles in local and international journals. She presented several papers at national and international conferences. Ingrid Potgieter is a section editor for the South African Journal of Industrial Psychology and edited and co-edited a number of scholarly books published by an international publisher.
Jo-Anne Botha completed a D Com (Business Management) in 2018 at the University of South Africa. She has 16 years of experience as an academic in various roles and 15 years’ experience in developing and facilitating training and development interventions in the private and public sectors. Dr Botha has authored and co-authored 6 articles related to adult learner self-directedness and is currently the editor of two books on human resource development in the South African and African context. Jo-Anne has presented papers at several international conferences. Her research focus area is adult learner self-directedness and adult learning in the new world of work.
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