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International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 2, numéro 2, janvier 2002

Sommaire (25 articles)


Research Articles

  1. The Hybridization of Distance Learning in Brazil – An Approach Imposed by Culture
  2. The Hybridisation of Conventional Higher Education: UK perspective
  3. The Hybridisation of Higher Education in Canada
  4. Web-Based Education at Conventional Universities in China: A Case Study
  5. Distance Education at Conventional Universities in Germany
  6. A Top Down Strategy to Enhance Information Technologies into Israeli Higher Education
  7. Out of the Shadow and Into the Spotlight - The Development of Distance Teaching in Norwegian Higher Education
  8. The Development of CyberLearning in Dual-Mode Higher Education Institutions in Taiwan
  9. Global Perspectives: The University of South Australia (UniSA) Case Study
  10. Open University Center of the Pontifical Javeriana University, Colombia
  11. A New Learning Model for the Information and Knowledge Society: The Case of the UOC
  12. Ukraine Open University: Its Prospects in Distance Education Development
  13. The University of Texas System TeleCampus: A Statewide Model for Collaboration
  14. Bringing Online Learning to Campus: The Hybridization of Teaching and Learning at Brigham Young University

Book Notes

Technical Notes

  1. Technical Evaluation Reports Series
  2. 1. Online Learners’ Interest in Collaborative Tools
  3. 2. Selection of Collaborative Tools
  4. 3. Text-Based Conferencing Products
  5. 4. Internet Audio Products
  6. 5. Classification of DE Delivery Systems


Anciens numéros de International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning