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Geoscience Canada

Volume 6, numéro 1, march 1979

Sommaire (11 articles)

GAC Presidential Address

  1. Presidential Address to the Geological Association of Canada, Toronto, Ontario:: Base Metal Deposits in Sedimentary Rocks: Some Approaches


  1. Comments on Carbon-14 Dating of Groundwaters in Crystalline Environments
  2. Organochlorine Contaminants in The Great Lakes

Conference Reports / Compte rendus de réunions

  1. Limits of Wisconsinan Glaciation in Eastern and Northern Canada
  2. Symposium on Glacier Beds: The Ice-Rock Interface
  3. A Think Tank for the Servants of Geoscience

Features / Rubriques

Book Reviews / Critiques

Secretary's Report / Rapport du Secretaire

  1. Secretary's Report: October 1978

Letters / Lettres

Anciens numéros de Geoscience Canada