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First Peoples Child & Family Review
A Journal on Innovation and Best Practices in Aboriginal Child Welfare Administration, Research, Policy & Practice

Volume 3, numéro 3, 2007

Sommaire (11 articles)


  1. Foreword
  2. Editorial- The Insidious Poverty Epidemic: Considerations for Aboriginal Children, Families, Communities and other Indigenous Nations
  3. Indigenous Peoples and Child Welfare: The Path to Reconciliation
  4. Kinosao Sipi Minisowin Agency: Creating a Community Response for Special Needs Children
  5. The Impact of Poverty on First Nations Mothers Attending a Parenting Program
  6. Aboriginal Youth Talk about Structural Determinants as the Causes of their Homelessness
  7. Detoxifying the Child and Family Welfare System for Australian Indigenous Peoples: Self-determination, Rights and Culture as the Critical Tools
  8. Domestic Sex Trafficking of Aboriginal Girls in Canada: Issues and Implications
  9. The Politics of Policy Development to End Obesity for Aboriginal Youth in the Educational Environment
  10. Les mauvais traitements envers les enfants autochtones signalés à la Protection de la jeunesse du Québec: Comparaison Interculturelle
  11. Incidence of Maltreatment of Aboriginal Children Reported to Youth Protection in Quebec: Intercultural Comparisons

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