The authors share their reflections in the aftermath of the roundtable Emotional Labour in Academia that took place during the Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes (WGSRF) 2023 conference. Although each participant at the roundtable had a unique positionality, they had experiences to share as women in academia who desire to do their work well without exhausting themselves in the process. This paper does not restate all that was said during the roundtable event but shares what we have learned collectively and individually and further expresses the authors’ desire for more discussion on similar topics wherein we learn with and from each other about how to foster spaces of care and solidarity with one another.
- classed labour,
- emotional labour,
- gendered labour,
- racialized labour,
- women in academia
Les auteures font part de leurs réflexions à la suite de la table ronde Emotional Labour in Academia qui a eu lieu lors de la conférence Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes (WGSRF) de 2023. Bien que chaque participante à la table ronde ait une situation unique, elles avaient toutes des expériences à transmettre en tant que femmes du milieu universitaire qui veulent bien faire leur travail sans s’épuiser à la tâche. Cet article ne reprend pas tout ce les participantes à la table ronde ont dit, mais expose ce que nous avons appris collectivement et individuellement, et exprime le souhait des auteures de voir se tenir d’autres discussions sur des sujets semblables, dans lesquelles nous apprendrions de chacun comment créer des espaces où l’on fait preuve de bienveillance et de solidarité les uns envers les autres.
Mots-clés :
- travail selon la classe,
- travail émotionnel,
- travail selon le genre,
- travail racialisé,
- femmes dans le milieu universitaire
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Biographical notes
Galina Scolnic is a sessional instructor at the University of Windsor. She teaches Women’s Studies, Sociology, and Philosophy. Her work explores the ways in which class, gender, place of birth, and religion direct one’s life within the matrix of societal expectations. Specifically, she explores the lived realities of the marginalized within a patriarchal capitalist society. Dr. Scolnic writes for academic as well as literary journals with the intention of reaching a wider audience.
Jennifer Halliday is a PhD Candidate at the University of Windsor. She has an interdisciplinary educational background, specializing in archaeology, physical anthropology, criminology, and sociology, and her research reflects this diversity by examining complex social issues through a multifaceted lens and integrating diverse theoretical perspectives. Specifically, her research interests lie primarily in ethics, human rights, and incorporating multiple ontologies and epistemologies in policy, but she also explores topics related to animal and environmental welfare and the intersections of environmental racism and physical anthropology.
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