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Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice
Études critiques sur le genre, la culture, et la justice

Volume 39, numéro 2, 2018

Sommaire (10 articles)


  1. In Defense of Safe Spaces: A Phenomenological Account
  2. Affective Engagements in the Classroom: An Autoethnography of Exits and Openings
  3. Legal Solutions to Street Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Era

Special Section

  1. Editorial: Reflections on the Hypatia Controversy: Philosophical Methods and Social Justice
  2. The Benefits and Burdens of Engaging in Argumentation: Trans*feminist Reflections on Tuvel’s “In Defense of Transracialism”
  3. Disciplinary Matters in the Hypatia Controversy
  4. Allegories of Gender: Transgender Autology versus Transracialism



  1. Gathering

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