The authors in this thematic issue reflect on the current “ontological turn” in Russian social sciences and humanities, and especially on the influence the turn exerts on various anthropological sub-disciplines and research domains. This introduction reviews publications in Russian academic journals, article collections, theses, books, and book chapters that best illustrate current ontological preoccupations in Russian anthropology. The ontological turn encompasses diverse interests and topics and is often labelled as “material,” “object-oriented,” “speculative-realist,” or “praxiographic.” In fact, we are dealing with multiple interdisciplinary “turns” that intersect and overlap, while interlinking many domains of the biological sciences, geographical sciences, social sciences, and humanities. In Russia, the ontological turn (actor-network theory, material semiotics, symmetrical anthropology, sociology of translation, object-oriented ontology, speculative realism) unfolds in different domains of research that can be grouped into four main fields: 1) medical anthropology, body studies, and death studies; 2) urban anthropology; 3) anthropology of science and techno-anthropology; 4) museum anthropology and material culture studies. The contributions to this issue illustrate current research in medical anthropology, body and death studies, urban anthropology, techno-anthropology, museum studies, as well as Siberian ethnography using the perspectivist model.
- actor-network theory,
- perspectivist turn,
- material semiotics,
- urban anthropology,
- medical anthropology,
- museum anthropology,
- techno-anthropology,
- Russia
Les auteurs de ce numéro thématique réfléchissent au « tournant ontologique » en cours dans les sciences sociales et humaines russes, et en particulier à l’influence qu’exerce ce tournant sur différents domaines de recherche et sous-disciplines de l’anthropologie. Cette introduction passe en revue les publications dans des revues universitaires russes, les recueils d’articles, thèses, livres et chapitres de livres les plus emblématiques des préoccupations ontologiques actuelles dans l’anthropologie russe. Le tournant ontologique couvre différents thèmes et sujets et est souvent qualifié de « matériel », « orienté objet » « réaliste-spéculatif » ou « praxiographique ». En réalité nous avons affaire à des tournants interdisciplinaires multiples qui s’entrecroisent et se chevauchent tout en reliant entre eux de nombreux champs des sciences biologiques, géographiques, humaines et sociales. En Russie, le tournant ontologique (théorie de l’acteur-réseau, sémiotique matérielle, anthropologie symétrique, sociologie de la traduction, ontologie orientée objet, réalisme spéculatif) se déploie dans différents domaines de recherche qui peuvent être regroupés en quatre champs principaux : 1) l’anthropologie médicale, les études sur le corps et les études sur la mort ; 2) l’anthropologie urbaine ; 3) l’anthropologie des sciences et la techno-anthropologie ; 4) l’anthropologie muséale et les études sur la culture matérielle. Les contributions à ce numéro illustrent les recherches en cours dans les domaines de l’anthropologie médicale, les études sur le corps et les études sur la mort, l’anthropologie urbaine, la techno-anthropologie, les études muséales, ainsi que l’ethnographie sibérienne axée sur le modèle perspectiviste.
Mots-clés :
- théorie de l’acteur-réseau,
- tournant perspectiviste,
- sémiotique matérielle,
- anthropologie urbaine,
- anthropologie médicale,
- anthropologie muséale,
- techno-anthropologie,
- Russie
Parties annexes
- Astakhov, Sergei S. 2017. “Strannaia dikhotomia: prostranstvo i vremia в aktorno-setevoi teorii” [Strange Dichotomy: Space and Time in Actor-Network Theory]. Sociology of Power 1: 59–87.
- Astakhov, Sergei S. 2016. “Kriticheskaia retseptsia aktorno-setevoi teorii: ot makiavellisma k problem Inogo” [The critical reception of actor-network theory: from machiavellianism towards the problem of alterity]. Filosofskaia mysl’ [Philosophical Thought] 10: 1–15.
- Baiburin, Albert. 1983. Zhilishche v obriadakh i predstavleniiakh vostochnykh slavian [Dwelling in the Imagination and Rituals of the Eastern Slavs]. Leningrad: Nauka.
- Baranov, Dmitry A. 2016. “O chiom molchat veshchi” [What Things Are Silent About]. In Rossiiskaia antropologia i “ontologicheskiy povorot” [Russian Anthropology and the “Ontological Turn”], edited by Sergei V. Sokolovskiy, 38-75. Tomsk: Tomsk University Press.
- Bogatyr’, Natalia. 2010. “Razdvigaia granitsy zhanra: Barbara Czarniawska, gibridnye discipliny i antropologia” [Expanding the Genre’s Limits: Barbara Czarniawska, Hybrid Disciplines, and Anthropology]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie [Ethnographic Review] 1: 3–6.
- Bogatyr’, Natalia. 2011a. “Sovremennaia tekhnokul’tura skvoz’ prizmu otnoshenii pol’zovatelei i tekhnologii” [Contemporary Technoculture through the Prism of Relations between Users and Technologies]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 30-39.
- Bogatyr’, Natalia. 2011b. “Vosstanovitel’nyi ritual v sovremennoi sotsiotekhnicheskoi drame” [Recovery Ritual in the Modern Sociotechnical Drama]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 58–74.
- Bogatyr’, Natalia. 2011c. Ritual kak mechanism prevrashchenia innovatsii v traditsiu v sovremennoi materialnoi culture. [Ritual as the Mechanism of the Transformation of Innovation into Tradition in Contemporary Material Culture]. PhD Dissertation. Moscow.
- Brightman, Marc, Vanessa E. Grotti, Olga Ulturgasheva. 2010. “Personhood and “Frontier” in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia.” Laboratorium 2: 348–365.
- Brightman M., V.E. Grotti, O. Ulturgasheva, eds. 2012. Animism in Rainforest and Tundra: Personhood, Animals, Plants and Things in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia. New York: Berghahn Books.
- Bromley, Yulian, and Andrei Voronov. 1976. “Narodnaia meditsina kak predmet etnografucheskikh issledovaniy” [Folk Medicine as the Subject of Ethnographic Research]. Sovetskaia etnografia 5: 3–18.
- Brož, Ludek. 2007. “Pastoral Perspectivism: A View from Altai.” Inner Asia 9 (2): 291–310.
- Brož, Ludek. 2015. “Four Funerals and a Wedding: Suicide, Sacrifice and (Non-)Human Agency in a Siberian Village.” In Suicide and Agency: Anthropological perspectives on Self-Destruction, Personhood and Power, edited by L. Brož and D. Münster, 85–102. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Brož, Ludek, Rane Willerslev. 2012. “When Good Luck is Bad Fortune. Between Too Little and Too Much Hunting Success in Siberia.” Social Analysis 56 (2): 73–89.
- Bryant, Levi R. 2011. The Democracy of Objects. Ann Arbor: Open Humanities Press.
- Bychkova, Olga, Evgeniya Popova. 2012. “Gorozhane i reforma ZhKKha: seti soprotivlenia” [Urbanites and Reforms in the Housing and Utility Sector: Networks of Resistance]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3: 78–87.
- Callon, Michel. 2017. [1986] “Nekotorye element sotsiologii perevoda: priruchenie morskikh grebeshkov i rybolovov bukhty St. Brieuc” [Some Elements of a Sociology of Translation. Domestication of the Scallops and the Fishermen of St. Brieuc Bay]. Logos 27 (2): 50–90.
- Callon, Michel, and Bruno Latour. 1992. “Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath School: A Reply to Collins and Yearle.” In Science As Practice and Culture, edited by Andrew Pickering, 343-368. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Candea, Matei. 2010. Corsican Fragments. Difference, Knowledge, and Fieldwork. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- Czarniawska, Barbara. 2010 [2008]. “Protsess organizatsii: kak ego izuchat’ i kak pisat’ o niom” [Organizing: How to Study it and How to Write About it]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1: 6–23.
- Descola, Philippe. 2012 [2005]. Po tu storonu prirody i kul’tury [Par-delà nature et culture]. Moscow: NLO.
- Descola, Philippe. 2013. The Ecology of Others, translated by G. Godbout and B. P. Luley. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Elfimov, Alexei L. 1996. “Razmyshlenia o sud’bakh nauki” [Considering the Perspectives of a Science]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 3–18.
- Erofeeva, Maria A. 2012. “Shutki v storonu! Aktorno-setevaia teoria o legitinatsii nauchnogo znania” [Jokes Aside! Actor-Network Theory on the Legitimation of Scientific Knowledge]. Sociology of Power 6-7: 27–37.
- Erofeeva, Maria A. 2015. “Aktorno-setevaia teoria i problema sotsialnogo deistvia” [Actor-Network Theory and the Problem of Social Action]. Sociology of Power. 27(1): 17–36.
- Erofeeva, Maria A. 2019. “Posle AST: putevye zametki” [After ANT: A Roadmap]. Sociology of Power 2: 8–17.
- Gell, Alfred. 1998. Art and Agency: An Anthropological Theory. Oxford: Clarendon.
- Hess, David J. 2011 [2001]. “Etnografia i razvitie issledovaniy nauki i tekhnologii” [Ethnography and the Development of Science and Technology Studies]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 40–58.
- Holbraad, Martin and Rane Willerslev. 2007. “Transcendental Perspectivism: Anonymous Viewpoints from Inner Asia.” Inner Asia 9 (2): 329–345.
- Kelly, John (ed.). 2014. “Colloquia: The Ontological French Turn.” HAU. Journal for Ethnographic Theory 4 (1): 259–360.
- Kohn, Eduardo. 2018. [2013] Kak mysliat lesa: k antropologii po tu storonu cheloveka [How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human]. Мoscow: Ad Marginem.
- Komarova, Galina A., ed. 2008. Antropologia akademicheskoi zhizni [The Anthropology of Academic Life]. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology.
- Komarova, Galina A., ed. 2010. Antropologia akademicheskoi zhizni. Vol. 2 [The Anthropology of Academic Life]. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology.
- Komarova, Galina A., ed. 2013. Antropologia akademicheskoi zhizni. Vol. 3 [The Anthropology of Academic Life]. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology.
- Konstantinova, Maria V. 2015. “Metonimicheskii povorot. Sotsiologia veshchei protiv sotsiologii tekhnologii” [Metonymical Turn. The Sociology of Things Versus the Sociology of Technologies]. Sociology of Power 27 (1): 90–107.
- Kozhevnikova, Magdalena. 2018. “Zapertye v bestelesnosti: robot Gordon i mozgovye organoidy” [Closed in Unbodiliness: Robot Gordon and Brain Organoids]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 25–36.
- Kozhevnikova, Magdalena, and Boris G. Yudin, eds. 2013. Special section “Bioethics, Medical Anthropology and Anthropological Knowledge.” Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3: 37–101.
- Kuznetsov, Andrei G. 2016. “Transportnye mediatsii: formy mashinnogo i materialy chelovecheskogo” [Transport Mediations: Machnine Forms and Human Materials]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 40–52.
- Kuznetsov, Andrei, Liudmila Shaitanova. 2012. “Marshrutnoe taxi na perekrestke rezhimov spravedlivosti” [Service Taxi at the Intersection of the Regimes of Justice]. Sociology of Power 6–7 (1): 137–149.
- Latour, Bruno. 2005. Reassembling the Social – An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory. Oxford University Press.
- Latour, Bruno. 2006 [1991]. Novogo vremeni ne bylo [Nous n’avons jamais été modernes – essai d’anthropologie symétrique]. St.-Petersburg: European University Press.
- Latour, Bruno. 2013 [1987]. Nauka v deistvii [La science en action]. St.-Petersburg: European University Press.
- Latour, Bruno. 2014 [2005]. Peresborka sotsialnogo [Re-Assembling the Social]. St.-Petersburg: European University Press.
- Latour, Bruno. 2015 [1984]. Pasteur: voina i mir mikrobov [Les Microbes: guerre et paix, suivi de Irréductions]. St.-Petersburg: European University Press.
- Latour, Bruno. 2018 [1999]. Politiki prirody [Politiques de la nature. Comment faire entrer les sciences en démocratie]. Moscow: Ad Marginem.
- Law, John. 2015 [2004]. Posle metoda: besporiadok i sotsialnaia nauka [After Method: Mess in the Social Science Research]. Moscow: Gaidar Institute Press.
- Mikhel, Dmitry. 2017. “Transplantatsiya organov kak transformativnyi epizod patsientskogo opyta: mediko-antropologicheskaia perspektiva” [Organ Transplantation As a Transformative Episode of Patient’s Experience: A Medico-Anthropological View]. In Social and Humanitarian Problems of Organ Donation: Interdisciplinary Research, edited by Oleg Reznik and Olga Popova, 147-181. Moscow: Moscow University for the Humanities Press (in Russian).
- Mol, Annemarie. 2017. [1991] Mnozhestvennoe telo: ontologia v meditsinskoi praktike [Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice]. Perm’: HylePress.
- Napreenko, Ivan V. 2015. “Delegirovanie agentnosti v kontseptsii Bruno Latoura” [Delegation of Agency in the Concept of Bruno Latour: How to Build up a Heterogeneous Collective of Cyborgs and Anthropomorphs?]. Sociology of Power 1: 108–121.
- Nim, Evgenia G. 2018. “Self-treking kak praktika kvantifikatsii telesnosti: kontseptualnye kontury.” [Self-Tracking As a Practice of Quantifying the Body: Conceptual Outlines]. Antropologicheskij forum 38: 172–192.
- Pedersen, Morten Axel. 2007. “Multiplicity Without Myth: Theorising Darhad Perspectivism.” Inner Asia 9(2): 311–328.
- Romanov, Pavel, Elena Yarskaia-Smirnova, eds. 2005. Antropologia professii [Anthropology of Professions]. Saratov: Nauchnaia kniga.
- Romanov, Pavel, Elena Yarskaia-Smirnova, eds. 2007. Professii.doc. Sotsialnye transformatsii professionalism [Professions.doc. Social Transformations of Professionalism]. Moscow: Variant.
- Romanov, Pavel, Elena Yarskaia-Smirnova, eds. 2011. Antropologia professii ili postoronnim vkhod razreshen [Anthropology of Professions, or Trespassers are Invited]. Moscow: Variant.
- Romanov, Pavel, Elena Yarskaia-Smirnova, eds. 2012. Antropologia professii: granitsy zaniatosti v epokhu nestabilnosti [Anthropology of Professions: Boundaries of Employment in the Epoch of Instability].
- Rudenko, Nikolai. 2014. “Infrastruktura, seti, peregovory: proizvodstvo traditsionnoi kul’tury v etnograficheskom muzee” [Infrastructure, Networks, Negotiations: The Production of Traditional Culture at an Ethnographic Museum]. The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology 3: 134–150.
- Rudenko, Nikolai. 2015. “Geterotopia kak pereopisanie: muzeinye eksponaty, set i praktiki” [Heterotopia as Rescription: Museum Exhibits, Networks and Practices]. Sociology of Power 1: 181–195.
- Sadykov, Radik, and Aleksandra Kurlenkova, eds. 2017. Special issue “Ontologii tela i meditsinskoi praktiki” [Ontologies of Body and Medical Practice]. Sociology of Power 3: 8–315.
- Shchepanskaia, Tatyana. 2016. “Vegikuliarnye markery i sotsialnaia kommunikatsia v “potoke”” [Vehicular Markers and Social Communication “on the Move”]. In Rossiiskaia antropologia i “ontologicheskiy povorot,” edited by Sergei V. Sokolovskiy, 223-253. Tomsk: Tomsk University Press.
- Skvirskaja, Vera. 2012. “Expressions and Experiences of Personhood: Spatiality and Objects in the Nenets Tundra Home.” In Animism in Rainforest and Tundra: Personhood, Animals, Plants and Things in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia, edited by M. Brightman, V.E. Grotti, and O. Ulturgasheva, 146-161. New York: Berghahn Books.
- Smirnova, Tatyana B. 2010. “Zapiski etnografichki” [Notes of an Ethnographer]. In Antropologia akademicheskoi zhizni. Vol 2, edited by Komarova G.A. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology.
- Sokolova, Elena K. 2018. “Tela v Pokémon Go” [Bodies in Pokémon Go]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 37–53.
- Sokolova, Elena K., Sergei Y. Shevchenko, and Aleksandr A. Shirokov. 2018. “Telo i internet: antropologia laboratorii” [The Body and the Internet: The Anthropology of the Laboratory]. Siberian Historical Research 3: 9–31.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. 2013. “O granitsakh cheloveka i chelovecheskogo: bioetika, postgumanism i novye tekhnologii” [On the Boundaries of the Human and Humane: Bioethics, Posthumanism, and New Technologies]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3: 37–38.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. ed. 2016a. Thematic section “Teorii veshchei, materialnaia kultura i novaia materialnost” [Thing Theory, Material Culture, and New Materiality]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 23–115.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. ed. 2016b. Rossiiskaia antropologia i “ontologicheskii povorot [Russian Anthropology and the “Ontological Turn”]. Tomsk: Tomsk University press.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. ed. 2017. “Anthropotechnomorphismy i antropologia tekhno-korpo-realnosti” [Anthropotechnomorphisms and the Anthropology of Techno-Corpo-Reality]. Sociology of Power 29 (3): 23–40.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. ed. 2018a. “Tela i tekhnologii skvoz’ prizmu techno-antropologii” [Bodies and Technologies Through the Prism of Techno-Anthropology]. Antropologicheskij Forum 38: 99–121.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. ed. 2018b. “Antropologiya zhivogo i nezhivogo: sluchay tela i tekhniki (posleslovie k diskussii)” [Anthropology of the Living and the Dead: The Case of Human Body and Technics (an afterword to the discussion)]. Antropologicheskij Forum 38: 83–96.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. ed. 2018c. “Kiberchelovechestvo kak predmet antropologii (vvedenie v obsuzhdenie)” [Cyberhumanity as the Subject of Anthropology (An Introduction to the Discussion)]. Siberian Historical Research 3: 6–8.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. ed. 2018d. “Chelovek 2.0 v fokuse antropologii” [Human 2.0 in the Focus of Anthropology]. Siberian Historical Research 3: 65–78.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. ed. 2018e. “Somatotekhniki i tekhnomorfizmy: k probleme antropologii cheloveka-v-tekhnosrede” [Somatotechniques, Technomorphisms and the Issue of the Human-in-Techno-Environment]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 5–11.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. ed. 2019. “Bodies and Technologies through the Prism of Techno-Anthropology.” Forum for Anthropology and Culture 15: 97–115.
- Sokolovskiy, Sergei V. ed. 2020. “Ekstensii kak tekhnosomaticheskie sborki: k istorii odnoi ideii” [Extensions as Techno-Somatic Assemblages: Towards a History of the Idea]. Corpus Mundi 1: 15–35.
- Torlopova, Liubov A. 2017. “Ontologicheskaia sborka invalidnosti v praktikakh medico-sotsial’noi ekspertizy” [The Ontological Assemblage of Disability in Practices of Socio-Medical Expertise in Russia]. Sociology of Power 3: 103–121.
- Torlopova, Liubov A. 2018. “Telesnost’, tekhnologii i prostranstevnnost’ kak osi sushchestvovania invalidnosti–ob’ekta” [Corporeality, Technologies, and Spatiality as Axes of Disability-Object’s Existence”. Siberian Historical Research 3: 32–47.
- Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt. 2015. The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Tyukhteneva, Svetlana P. 2011. “Imushchestvo i sobstvennpst’ u altaitsev” [Belongings and Property Among the Altaians]. Mongolovedenie 5: 109-125.
- Tyukhteneva, Svetlana P. 2012. “Leksika imushchestvennoi sfery i kontsept sobstvennosti u altaitsev” [The Lexicon of Property Sphere and the Concept of Property Among the Altaians]. Iazyk i kil’tura 19(3): 26–40.
- Vakhshtayn, Viktor S. 2014. “Peresborka goroda: mezhdu iazykom i prostranstvom” [Reassembling the City: Between Language and Space]. Sociology of Power 2: 9–38.
- Vakhshtayn, Viktor S. 2015. “Tri ‘povorota k material’nomu’” [Three “Turns Towards Materiality”]. Antropologicheskij Forum 24: 22–37.
- Vakhshtayn, Viktor S., ed. 2006. Sotsiologia veshchei [Sociology of Things]. Moscow: Territoria budushchego.
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- Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo. 2017 [2009]. Kannibal’skie metafiziki. Rubezhi poststrukturnoi antropologii [Métaphysiques Cannibales. Lignes d’anthropologie post-structurale]. Moscow: Ad Marginem Press.
- Volkov, Vadim, Oleg Kharkhordin. 2008. Teoria praktik [Theory of Practices]. St.-Petersburg: European University Press.
- Vozyanov, Andrei G. 2011. “Tramvainye fanaty i (provintsialnaia) urbanistichnost’” [Tram Fans and (Provincial) Urbanicity]. Antropologicheskij Forum Online 15: 359–387.
- Vozyanov, Andrei G. 2018. Infrastructures in Trouble: Tramway, Trolleybus and Society in Ukraine and Romania after 1990. PhD Dissertation. St. Petersburg: European University.
- Vozyanov, Andrei G., Andrei G. Kuznetsov, and Elena G. Laktyukhina. 2017. “Submobil’nosti, ili o mnozhestvennosti rezhimov gorodskikh mobil’nostei” [Submobilities, or on the Multiple Modes of Movement in the City]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 30–43.
- Willerslev, Rane. 2004. “Not Animal, Not Not-Animal: Hunting, Imitation and Empathetic Knowledge Among the Siberian Yukaghirs.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 10: 629–652.
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- Willerslev, Rane. 2013. “Taking Animism Seriously, but Perhaps Not Too Seriously?” Religion and Society: Advances in Research 4: 41–57.
- Willerslev, Rane. 2016. “The Anthropology of Ontology Meets the Writing Culture Debate—Is Reconciliation Possible?” Social Analysis 60 (1): v–x.
Parties annexes
- Astakhov, Sergei S. 2017. « Strannaia dikhotomia : prostranstvo i vremia в aktorno-setevoi teorii » [Strange Dichotomy : Space and Time in Actor-Network Theory]. Sociology of Power, 1 : 59–87.
- Astakhov, Sergei S. 2016. « Kriticheskaia retseptsia aktorno-setevoi teorii : ot makiavellisma k problem Inogo » [The critical reception of actor-network theory : from machiavellianism towards the problem of alterity]. Filosofskaia mysl’ [Philosophical Thought], 10 : 1–15.
- Baiburin, Albert. 1983. Zhilishche v obriadakh i predstavleniiakh vostochnykh slavian [Dwelling in the Imagination and Rituals of the Eastern Slavs]. Leningrad, Nauka.
- Baranov, Dmitry A. 2016. « O chiom molchat veshchi » [What Things Are Silent About]. In Rossiiskaia antropologia i « ontologicheskiy povorot » [Russian Anthropology and the « Ontological Turn »], edité par Sergei V. Sokolovskiy, p. 38-75. Tomsk, Tomsk University Press.
- Bogatyr’, Natalia. 2010. « Razdvigaia granitsy zhanra : Barbara Czarniawska, gibridnye discipliny i antropologia » [Expanding the Genre’s Limits : Barbara Czarniawska, Hybrid Disciplines, and Anthropology]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie [Ethnographic Review], 1 : 3–6.
- Bogatyr’, Natalia. 2011a. « Sovremennaia tekhnokul’tura skvoz’ prizmu otnoshenii pol’zovatelei i tekhnologii » [Contemporary Technoculture through the Prism of Relations between Users and Technologies]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 5 : 30-39.
- Bogatyr’, Natalia. 2011b. « Vosstanovitel’nyi ritual v sovremennoi sotsiotekhnicheskoi drame » [Recovery Ritual in the Modern Sociotechnical Drama]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 5 : 58–74.
- Bogatyr’, Natalia. 2011c. Ritual kak mechanism prevrashchenia innovatsii v traditsiu v sovremennoi materialnoi culture. [Ritual as the Mechanism of the Transformation of Innovation into Tradition in Contemporary Material Culture]. Thèse de doctorat. Moscou.
- Brightman, Marc, Vanessa E. Grotti, Olga Ulturgasheva. 2010. « Personhood and ‘Frontier’ in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia. » Laboratorium, 2 : 348–365.
- Brightman M., V.E. Grotti, O. Ulturgasheva, eds. 2012. Animism in Rainforest and Tundra : Personhood, Animals, Plants and Things in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia. New York : Berghahn Books.
- Bromley, Yulian et Andrei Voronov. 1976. « Narodnaia meditsina kak predmet etnografucheskikh issledovaniy » [Folk Medicine as the Subject of Ethnographic Research]. Sovetskaia etnografia, 5 : 3–18.
- Brož, Ludek. 2007. « Pastoral Perspectivism : A View from Altai. » Inner Asia, 9 (2) : 291–310.
- Brož, Ludek. 2015. « Four Funerals and a Wedding : Suicide, Sacrifice and (Non-)Human Agency in a Siberian Village. » In L. Brož et D. Münster (dir.), Suicide and Agency : Anthropological Perspectives on Self-Destruction, Personhood and Power, p. 85–102. Farnham, Ashgate.
- Brož, Ludek, et Rane Willerslev. 2012. « When Good Luck is Bad Fortune. Between Too Little and Too Much Hunting Success in Siberia. » Social Analysis, 56 (2) : 73–89.
- Bryant, Levi R. 2011. The Democracy of Objects. Ann Arbor, Open Humanities Press.
- Bychkova, Olga, et Evgeniya Popova. 2012. « Gorozhane i reforma ZhKKha : seti soprotivlenia » [Urbanites and Reforms in the Housing and Utility Sector : Networks of Resistance]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 3 : 78–87.
- Callon, Michel. 2017 [1986]. « Nekotorye element sotsiologii perevoda : priruchenie morskikh grebeshkov i rybolovov bukhty St. Brieuc » [Some Elements of a Sociology of Translation. Domestication of the Scallops and the Fishermen of St. Brieuc Bay]. Logos, 27 (2) : 50–90.
- Callon, Michel et Bruno Latour. 1992. « Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath School : A Reply to Collins and Yearle. » In Andrew Pickering (dir.), Science As Practice and Culture, p. 343-368. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
- Candea, Matei. 2010. Corsican Fragments. Difference, Knowledge, and Fieldwork. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
- Czarniawska, Barbara. 2010 [2008]. « Protsess organizatsii : kak ego izuchat’ i kak pisat’ o niom » [Organizing : How to Study it and How to Write About it]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 1 : 6–23.
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