Corps de l’article
I. Doctoral Theses / Thèses de doctorat
Arban, Erika. Italian Regionalism and the Federal Challenge, University of Ottawa.
Azeem, Muhammad. Critically Evaluating the Role of the Judiciary in the Good Governance Paradigm: A Study of Pakistan, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Barrué-Belou, Rémi. Analyse des outils fédératifs aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Brésil. Contribution à l'étude du fédéralisme, Université Laval.
Barry, Thierno Souleymane. La protection des droits de l’enfant face au travail: la nécessité d’un changement de perspective par l’extension du concept du travail décent et l’application de l’approche basée sur les droits de la personne, Université de Sherbrooke.
Bitenov, Gani. Regulating Trade in Petroleum under the WTO Regime: Trade Rules vs. Reality of the Petroleum Industry, McGill University.
Boone Barrera, Enrique. Fragmentation of Property Rights in the Mexican “Ejido” and Its Effects on the Exercise of Constitutionally Protected Rights, McGill University.
Bromwich, Rebecca. Re: Reading Ashley Smith: Critically Unpacking Government by Discursive Figures of Ashley as Girl Produced in the Smith Case, Carleton University.
Burke, Tanaquil. L’âge et le droit du travail au Québec : vers un milieu de travail égalitaire et pluriactif pour les personnes salariées de tous âges, Université Laval.
Cardenas Gomez, Olga. L'intégration de considérations socioéconomiques dans les décisions en matière de biotechnologie animale. Une explication à partir de la culture organisationnelle des organismes fédéraux responsables de l'homologation des aliments dérivés de la biotechnologie au Canada, Université Laval.
Carson, Lindsey. Laws of Unintended Consequences: The Impacts of Anti-Foreign Bribery Laws on Developing Countries, University of Toronto.
Christian, Gideon. Sustainable Legal Framework for Transboundary Movement of Electronic Waste, University of Ottawa.
Connidis, Kristine. Judicial and Political Decisions from a Critical Psychology Perspective, University of Toronto.
Filteau, Carolyn. Rights and Responsibilities: What are the Prospects of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in the International/Transnational Arena?, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Fuentes, Carlos. Normative Plurality in International Law: The Impact of International Human Rights Law in the Doctrine of Sources of International Law, McGill University.
Gloglo, Midjohodo Franck. Brevet pharmaceutique et intérêt général : essai sur la prise en compte de l’intérêt général en droits international, canadien et européen des brevets, Université Laval.
Hawa, Husam. Towards a Higher Standard for International Disability Rights and Social Justice: An Islamic Perspective on the Universal Right to Social Welfare for People with Special Challenges, University of British Columbia.
Hel, Sambath. Le formalisme du contrat électronique dans l’ASEAN : définition et interprétation des notions d’écrit et de signature, Université de Montréal.
Hodzic, Edin. The (Not So) Gentle Civilizer of Consociations?: International Human Rights Law and the Challenges of Group Political Rights, McGill University.
Howard, Diane. The Emergence of an Effective National and International Spaceport Regime of Law, McGill University.
Ippolito, Linda. Changing our Tune: A Music-Based Approach to Teaching, Learning, and Resolving Conflict, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Juzda, Nicolas. Unanimous Shareholder Agreements, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Kastner, Philipp. Law-Rest in Peace? Legal Normativity in the Resolution of Internal Armed Conflicts, McGill University.
Kerzner, David S. Tax Information Exchange Agreements and the War against Tax Evasion, Queen’s University.
Khoday, Amar. Legitimizing Resistance? International Refugee Law and the Protection of Individuals Resisting Oppression, McGill University.
Kirley, Elizabeth. Reputational Privacy and the Internet: A Matter for Law?, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Lapierre, Jean Marcel. Le droit québécois du travail et la mise en oeuvre du principe d’égalité dans les milieux de travail syndiqués, Université de Montréal.
Law, Alexandra. Social Movement Casework and the Law and Organizing Ideal: Toward a Modified Law and Organizing Model, Université de Montréal.
Lehaire, Benjamin. L’action privée en droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles. Pour un recours effectif des entreprises et des consommateurs en droits français et canadien, Université Laval.
Lehun, Richard. The Emancipatory Justice Claim, McGill University.
Mercer, Henrique. L’accès et le partage des avantages des savoirs traditionnels en Amérique latine : comment les droits de propriété intellectuelle peuvent empêcher la biopiraterie, Université de Montréal.
Ovalle Diaz, Nelson. La production pluraliste du droit transnational contemporain, Université d’Ottawa.
Paré, Frédéric. Le droit du travail américain : un droit plus favorable à l’investissement que le droit du travail québécois ? Une étude de la question..., Université de Montréal.
Peihani, Maziar. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: A Post-Crisis Analysis of Governance and Accountability, University of British Columbia.
Piera Valdés, Alejandro José. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Aviation: Legal and Policy Challenges, McGill University.
Provenchar, Annick. From the Invisible Hand to the Invisible Woman: The Politics of Neutrality in the Context of Social Tax Expenditures, University of Ottawa.
Schucher, Karen. Coercing Justice? Exploring the “Aspirations and Practice” of Law as a Tool in Struggles against Social Inequalities, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Seffar, Karim. La régulation du commerce électronique global, Université de Montréal.
Simmons, Martha. Increasing Innovation in Legal Process: The Contribution of Collaborative Law, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Sikka, Anette. Trafficking in Persons and the Canadian Response: Looking for a “Victim”, University of Ottawa.
Stevenson, Stephen Ronald. The Political Theory of Aboriginal Rights Law in Canada: Prospects for Reconciliation, University of Ottawa.
Stu, Marvel. Tracking Queer Kinships: Assisted Reproduction, Family Law and the Infertility Trap, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Tachou Sipowo, Alain-Guy. Contribution à l'étude du droit au secret en droit international pénal. Pour une conciliation de la confidentialité avec l'effectivité substantielle de la Cour pénale internationale, Université Laval.
Taha, Mai. Nation and Class Subjectivity in International Law and its Institutions in the Middle East (1919-1939), University of Toronto.
Winstock, Lois. Safe Havens or Dangerous Waters? A Phenomenological Study of Abused Women’s Experiences in the Family Courts of Ontario, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Yao, Odile. Le rôle de la chambre de compensation dans l’usage du chèque au regard de la bancarisation. Étude comparée Canada – France – UEMOA, Université Laval.
Wereley, James. The Legal Position of the Time Chartered Operator: Evaluating the Legal Risks and Potential Response of the Time Charterer Which Sub-Charters on Voyage Terms, University of Ottawa.
Zhang, Ruiqiao. A Better Understanding of Dual Ownership of Trust Property and its Introduction in China through Comparative Studies, McGill University.
II. Master’s Theses / Mémoires de maîtrise
Aber, Mouna. Réflexion critique sur la méthode moderne d’interprétation, McGill Univeristy.
Adamski, Olivia. Convertible Preferred Stock: Testing the Legal Framework of the U.S. Venture Capital Model in China, University of British Columbia.
Adefemi, Adedoyin, Widows as “Cultural Tools”: Translating Widows’ Rights into Local Realities in Uganda and Nigeria, University of Saskatchewan.
Aikenhead, Moira. Revisions to Canada’s Sentencing Regime as a Remedy to the Over-Incarceration of Persons with Mental Disabilities, University of British Columbia.
Aloe, Benito. Le jeu en ligne : une analyse comparative du statut juridique du jeu en ligne et des cadres juridiques adoptés pour règlementer et gérer ses risques, Université de Montréal.
Bambery Lamott, Yamilet. La prévention des agressions sexuelles contre les enfants: perspectives juridiques, Université Laval.
Bartkiw, Timothy. Labour Law and Triangular Employment Growth, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Bateman, Eliza. “His Garden a Wilderness” — The Balance between Equality and Freedom of Religion in Australia and Canada, McGill University.
Bayley, Deborah. Genocidio, La Cosa Nostra: Uncovering Theories of Individual Responsibility for Collective International Crimes, Queen’s University.
Bdiwi, Ghuna. The Responsibility of the International Community to Protect Syrian Citizens, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Bell-Pasht, Kyra. How an Canada Effectively Promote and Protect International Investment without Threatening Sustainable Development?, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Benghellab, Nour. Des influences politiques sur le développement de la doctrine juridique en droit international aux États-Unis entre 1940 et 1960 : le tournant pragmatique, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Bitternose, Leah. Kihci-Asotamatowin (The Treaty Sovereign’s Sacred Agreements) and the Crown’s Constitutional Obligations to Holders of Treaty Rights through Consultation and Restoration of Treaty Constitutionalism, University of Saskatchewan.
Bolduc, Andrée-Anne. Privilèges et immunités parlementaires au regard des droits individuels : perspective comparée du traitement juridique de la liberté de parole du député et des droits fondamentaux du citoyen, Université Laval.
Bolton, Tessa. Potential and Peril: Incapacitation in the New Age of International Criinal Law, University of British Columbia.
Bourgeois, Isabelle. Le droit international localement pour et par les femmes indiennes : la protection contre la violence domestique à Mumbai, Inde, Université de Montréal.
Boutin, Stéphanie. Les lois provinciales sur les référendums constitutionnels obligatoires. Un outil juridiquement possible, mais dont les effets compliquent la modification de la Constitution canadienne, Université Laval.
Bowley, Greg. The Weakest Link? Evaluating Private Nuisance Liability in Ontario's Environmental Law Context, University of Toronto.
Burnett, Tamera. Subtle Expressions of Gender Inequality: Exploring the Application of Aggravating and Mitigating Factors in Sentencing Decisions for Sexual Assault Offences, University of British Columbia.
Carr, Kayla. Workplace Harassment: A Cross-Jurisdictional Comparative Analysis of Legislative Responses to this Workplace Phenomenon in Canada, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Chen, Ling. Is There a Responsibility to Protect in Disaster Relief, And Is It Needed?, University of Toronto.
Chidiac, Omaya. Migrant Construction and Domestic Workers in the Arab Gulf States: Modern-Day Slaves?, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Chipeur, Stephanie. The Cost of Family Law Legal Services in Canada: A Historical and Critical Analysis of Lawyers’ Business Decisions, McGill University.
Corriveau, Stéphan, Le droit aux prestations d’assurance-emploi soumis à l’épreuve du processus de contestation avant et après la réforme de 2013, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Côté, Martin. Les mécanismes d’indemnisation des consommateurs dans l’industrie des services financiers au Québec, Université Laval.
Cousineau DeGarie, Mathieu. Des influences sociales sur le développement de la doctrine en droit international aux États-Unis de 1968 à 1989 : L’éclectisme juridique comme réponse aux crises mondiales, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Dalpé, Vincent. The Monster with no Legs and no Arms: Interpreting the ICC’s “Unwillingness” and “Inability” Criteria, McGill University.
Davis, Simone. Controlled Airspace: A Constitutional Analysis of State Attempts to Regulate Unmanned Aircraft Systems, McGill University.
Dawson, Paul. The Legality of Self-defense Regarding Dual-use Space Objects, McGill University.
Derraz, Khalid. Principe de précaution et sécurité des produits de consommation : regard sur la Loi canadienne sur la sécurité des produits de consommation, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Djemba Kandjo, Joseph. L’étendue de la compétence ratione materiae du juge étatique dans le règlement des différends nés de l’exécution d’un contrat complexe, Université de Montréal.
Dobrota, Danijela. ICTY/ICTR Referrals and Extradition: Room for Due Process?, McGill University.
Doix, Vincent A. Les difficultés d’application du droit international au conflit du Haut-Karabagh : effectivités et causes géopolitiques, Université de Montréal.
Dorcin, Marc Emmanuel. De l’effectivité du droit d’auteur par la mise en oeuvre du statut juridique de l’artiste et la gestion collective : une appréciation du cas haïtien, Université Laval.
Ducci, Francesco. Out-of-Market Efficiencies, Two-Sided Platforms and Consumer Welfare: A Legal and Economic Analysis, University of Toronto.
Eluromma, Charles. Majority Rule and Minority Protection in Private Corporations: A Comparative Appraisal of the Problems and Remedies under the Canadian and Nigerian Jurisdictions, University of British Columbia.
Farid, Natalie. Your Data Shadow: An Exploratory Study of the Short-term Effect of Viewing News and Information Content on Surveillance Technologies on Perceptions of Privacy, Carleton University.
Farkas, Dezso. The Political Economic Dimensions of Executive Compensation Reform: “Can the Foundations of Shareholder Primacy be Sustained in the Post-Crisis Regulatory Environment?”, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Fortier-Landry, Florence. La diffamation sur Internet : actualiser la responsabilité en droit civil et en common law au Canada, Université de Montréal.
Gabr, Yasmin. The Worst Is Still Ahead: The Privileging of Free Investment over Environmental Protection under NAFTA, University of Toronto.
Garceau-Lebel, Martine. Détermination de la peine en matière de pédophilie : aspects médico-légaux, Université de Montréal.
Garon, Henry, Fuller and Godel: Prophets against the Evils of Positivism: How the Natural Law is Necessary to Provide Legal Meaning and Consistency, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Genin-Charette, Anne-Marie. La gouvernance autochtone en milieu urbain: le cas de Montréal, Université de Montréal.
Goabin Chancoco, Ginette. La problématique de l’effectivité du droit de l’enfant à la santé et à l’éducation dans les situations de conflit armé interne en Afrique: réflexions à la lumière de la crise en Côte d’Ivoire, Université de Montréal.
Gordian, Savitri. Contesting Risk, Precaution and Legitimacy: A Case Study of Lafarge, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Gorham, Nathan. Wrongful Pre-Trial Detention in the Toronto Area Bail System, University of Toronto.
Gosselin, Jessica. Égalité, gouvernance et analyse différenciée entre les sexes : étude de la constitutionnalité du processus d’élaboration du Plan Nord, Université Laval.
Green, Brian. Space Situational Awareness Data Sharing: Safety Tool or Security Threat?, McGill University.
Guy, Trevor. Opening the Door to Proportionality: Discretionary Administrative Decisions and the Charter, University of Toronto.
Hallet-Hook, Tom. Class Actions Under New Zealand's Representative Rule: Ingenious Solution or Inadequate to the Task?, University of Toronto.
Hamilton, Karen. Savoir, pouvoir et standpoint institutionnel : l’impact de la philanthropie minière sur la production du savoir dans les universités canadiennes, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Harttung, Jochen. The Issue of “Deep Control” in Professional E-Sports—A Critical Analysis of Intellectual Property Structures in Electronic Gaming, University of Toronto.
Hébert-Dolbec, Marie-Laurence. Émergence d’un espace participatif à l’intention des victimes devant la cour pénale internationale : quelle émancipation de la victime ? Université du Québec à Montréal.
Henri, Vanessa. Is there a Duty of Allegiance towards the State? The Legitimacy of Disloyalty as a Rationale for Treason Law in the Social Contract Paradigm, McGill University.
Herrera, Carlos. Obstetric Violence in Argentina: A Study on the Legal Effects of Medical Guidelines and Statutory Obligations for Improving the Quality of Maternal Health, University of Toronto.
Hocking, Jennifer. The Role of the National Energy Board in Regulating Access to Pipelines, University of Calgary.
Hoidrag, Gabriel. L’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant en droit canadien de l’immigration : le cas de la réunification familiale, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Hursh, John. Women’s Rights and Women’s Land Rights in Postcolonial Tunisia and Morocco: Legal Institutions, Women’s Rights Discourse, and the Need for Continued Reform, McGill University.
Hussain, Salma. Faith-Based Arbitration in Ontario: Promoting the Option to Exit and Building Fraternity, McGill University.
Ireland, David A. Bargaining for Expedience? The Overuse of Joint Recommendations on Sentence, University of Manitoba.
Ismail, Bashaer. What Competition Authority does Palestine Need?, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Jamieson, Evan. Wildlife Disease, Land Use, and the Tragedy of the Commons Theorizing Economic Solutions to the Problem of Wildlife Disease Control, University of Saskatchewan.
Jessiman, Stacey. Understanding and Resolving Cultural Heritage Repatriation Disputes between Indigenous Peoples and Museums, University of British Columbia.
Johnston, Natalie. Interwoven Legal Traditions. The Extent to which State Based Decision Makers are Engaging with Indigenous Legal Traditions and the Extent to which this is Feasible: A Celebration of an Exceptional Outcome, University of British Columbia.
Kandinov, Liran. Copyright Legislative Impunity? How Copyright Term Extensions Violate Freedom of Expression, University of Toronto.
Katri, Ido. In-Between Categories of Law: a Gender Variant Analysis of Anti-Discrimination Law and Litigation, University of Toronto.
Katz, Rebecca Jennifer. Gendered Bullying and Cyberbullying: Assessing Ontario’s New Legislation, University of Ottawa.
Koenig, Sarah. Les attentes des femmes victimes de violences sexuelles face aux limites du régime de participation et de réparation de la Cour pénale internationale, Université de Sherbrooke.
Kuprieieva, Anna. Regulatory Freedom and Indirect Expropriation: Seeking Compatibility with Sustainable Development in New Generation Bilateral Investment Treaties, University of Ottawa.
Lafont, Isabelle. L’efficacité du régime de responsabilité civile comme mesure de contrainte au respect de l’obligation de sécurité des renseignements personnels, Université de Montréal.
Lafrenière, Isabelle. Conflits d’intérêts et courtage immobilier au Québec : un constat mitigé sur l’état du droit, 50 ans après l’entrée en vigueur de la première Loi sur le courtage immobilier, Université de Montréal.
Laming, Erick. The Expansion of Conducted Energy Weapon Use in Ontario: Pacification and Policy Development, Carleton University.
Langevin, Cécile. La comparaison entre les ressortissants travailleurs turcs et les citoyens de l’UE concernant leur protection contre l’expulsion de l’Union Européenne, Université de Montréal.
Lauzon, Julie Marguerite Marie. Le rôle de la logique formelle dans le raisonnement judiciaire, Université Laval.
Leach, Michael. Transplant Delirium: A Multi-layered Approach to Studying Domestic Legal Reform Inspired by External Models, using Afghanistan’s “Law of Banking” as a Case Study, McGill University.
Lemke, Monica. From Putrescence to Post-Mortem: Aesthetic Transformations in Victorian Burial Reform, Carleton University.
Lin, Rung-Guang. Nurturing Religious Citizens for the Public Sphere: An Examination of the Public Regulation of Religious Schools in Taiwan, McGill University.
Luo, Jiajun. China toward Constitutionalism? Institutional Development under the Socialist Rule of Law System, University of British Columbia.
Malamiry, Mahnam. Examining the General Counsel’s Habitus: The Past 10 Years of Ontario Corporate Fraud and Misconduct, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Marchisio, Giacomo. The Validity of the Arbitration Agreement in International Commercial Arbitration, McGill University.
Mathieu, Fedora. La réalisation du droit au logement par les acteurs non-étatiques de l’humanitaire en contexte post-catastrophe : le cas haïtien, Université d’Ottawa.
McCaslin, Wanda. Hate-motivated Offences and Aboriginal Peoples: Sentencing Provisions of Section 718.2(a)(i), University of Saskatchewan.
McKeachie, Jessica. Recovering the Promise of Public Truth: Juridification and the Loss of Purpose in Public Inquiries, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Mufti, Salman. Regulatory Dynamics in Federal States: Ensuring Effective Regulation in the Context of Decentralization under the 18th Constitutional Amendment in Pakistan, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Opara, Nonye. Meeting Environmental Challenges of Oil Production in Nigeria: A Case for Environmental Restoration Funds, University of Calgary.
Ou, Jing. The Backlash against State’s Over-intervention in Treaty-based Investor–State Arbitration Proceedings: An Examination of Procedural Transparency Provisions in Canada-China Bilateral Investment Treaty from a Chinese Perspective, McGill University.
Ouatu, Marcela. Modified Universalism for Cross-Border Insolvencies: Does it Work in Practice?, University of British Columbia.
Owusu, Kofi. Regulation of Operational Pollution from Offshore Oil and Gas Activities in Ghana: Lessons from Norway, University of Calgary.
Pailhassar, Cécilia. La protection des investissements étrangers face aux abus de droits de l’homme : et si les tribunaux arbitraux adoptaient un nouveau prisme de lecture ?, McGill University.
Paillart, Anne. L’indemnisation du traumatisme psychique chez les vétérans : un parcours difficile, Université de Sherbrooke.
Paradis, Jérôme. La rémunération des acteurs de l’industrie de l’épargne collective au regard de la protection des épargnants, Université Laval.
Parent, Valerie. L’humanité et le droit international, Université de Montréal.
Paschali, Catherine. L’exigence de maintien de traitement chez le patient à l’inconscience irréversible, Université de Sherbrooke.
Plourde, Philippe. Les enjeux de la relocalisation des acquittés des juridictions pénales internationales : analyse juridique d’une liberté qui ne rime pas avec facilité, Université Laval.
Poirier, Éric. La Charte de la langue française et son interprétation judiciaire: quand l’intégrité du droit commande une interprétation restrictive des droits du français, Université de Sherbrooke.
Por, Bradley. The Tent City as a Place of Power: Homeless Political Actors and the Making of “Public Space”, McGill University.
Poulton, David. Conservation Offset Policy for Alberta: A Comparative Legal Analysis, University of Calgary.
Powell, Maria. Sex Work and the City: Creating Municipal Licensing Regimes for Brothels, Dalhousie University.
Randrianarison, Hanitra Michele. À travers les expériences canadiennes en matière d’industries minières, les leçons à tirer pour Madagascar pour bâtir une croissance économique sans grande répercussion sur l’environnement, Université de Montréal.
Reda, Frank. Trade and Economic Development: A Latin American Perspective, University of Toronto.
Regan, Anne. Examining the Delineation of Jurisdiction between Human Rights and Labour Arbitration after Figliola and Penner, University of Toronto.
Ridell, Steffan. The Justice of Common Law: Wrongful Death Damage Awards, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Rivas Vera, Maria Jose. Sexuality Education in Paraguay: Using Human Rights and International Policies to Define Adolescents’ Right to Sexuality Education, University of Toronto.
Rodriguez Alarcón, Juan Sebastián. Beyond Discrimination: A Reading from the Social Model of Disability to the Mental Health Conditions of LGBTQ People, McGill University.
Rogin, Jillian. The Application of Gladue to Bail: Problems, Challenges, and Potential, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Roldan, Carlos Andres. Le statut de Rome de la cour pénale internationale et le droit interne d’un pays en situation de conflit armé : le cas de la Colombie, Université de Montréal.
Rousseau, Steven. Essai sur le rôle des principes de prévention et de précaution dans la reconnaissance d’un droit positif à un enviornnement sain et respectueux de la biodiversité au Québec, Université de Sherbrooke.
Salami, Olufunke. Privacy Protection for Mobile Health (MHealth) in Nigeria: A Consideration of the EU Regime for Data Protection as a Conceptual Model for Reforming Nigeria’s Privacy Legislation, Dalhousie University.
Sauder, JoAnne. Canada’s Experiment with Children’s Fitness and Activity Credits, University of Saskatchewan.
Seretis, Marios. Airline Mergers in the European Union and the United States: A Retrospective Account and the Ways Forward, McGill University.
Sigursteinsson, Bjarni. The Globalization of Crime Control: The Use of Non-criminal Justice Responses for Countering Organized Crime, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Sonstrop, Madalina. Detention Guantánamo Bay and the Extraterritorial Application of the Constitution in the War on Terror: Reshaping Territoriality Sovereignty and Fundamental Rights, Osgoode Hall Law School.
St-Jean, Benoît. Quelle place pour le développement « propre » au bénéfice des populations des pays en développement dans le marché réglementé nord-américain du carbone ? Exemple du Mexique, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Starblanket, Tamara. Genocide: Indigenous Nations and the State of Canada, University of Saskatchewan.
Stedman, Ian. Understanding the Unwritten Rules: Examining the use of Ontario Parliamentary Convention to Guide the Conduct of Elected Officials in Ontario, University of Toronto.
Steele, Graham. Quebec’s Bill 1: A Case Study in Anti-Corruption Legislation and the Barriers to Evidence-Based Law-Making, Dalhousie University.
Stetskevych, Olena Bogdanivn. How to Overcome Barriers to Adequate Pain Management in Ukraine, University of Ottawa.
Tam, Katie. Maintaining Identity within Prisons: Resistance and Repercussions Experienced by the Wrongly Imprisoned, Carleton University.
Tan, Sue Vern. Licence to Spill? Developing a Framework for International Liability and Compensation for Transboundary Pollution Resulting from Offshore Drilling Activities, University of Toronto.
Takeuchi, Yu. Legal Aspects of International Regime for Space Traffic Management, McGill University.
Taylor, Jackson. Death of a Taxpayer: From Death Taxes to Taxation at Death ... Maybe, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Tremblay, Mélanie. In Search of Protection: Sexual Minority Women in Canadian Refugee Determination, Université de Montréal.
Tse, Michelle. The Unity of Being: Groundwork for a Theory of Obligations to Other Animals, University of Toronto.
Tucsa, Emanuel. Legal Ethics as a Moral Idea: A Theory of Philosophical Legal Ethics Based on the Work of Lon Fuller, Osgoode Hall Law School.
Van de Plas, Inge. The UNCITRAL Legislative Guide, Model Law and Three Country Comparison, University of Toronto.
Vanhonnaeker, Lukas. Intellectual Property Investments. How to Apply International Investment Law’s Standard of Protection against Expropriation to Intellectual Property Rights Investments?, McGill University.
Vaugeois, Mathieu. Vers l’adhésion de l’union européenne à l’organisation de l’aviation civile internationale?, McGill University.
Veale Martin, Orla. Advance Care Directives and Medical Treatment Decision-making: Preserving Patient Autonomy, McGill University.
Wheeler, Glenn. Duty, Breach and Remedy: A Fiduciary Argument for Government Funding of Aboriginal Health, University of Toronto.
Widrig, Daniel. Resource Allocation of Pharmaceuticals within the Swiss Health Insurance System from a Legal and Ethical Perspective, McGill University.