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International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 5, Number 1, April 2004 Special Issue: Low Cost Distance Education Strategies Guest-edited by Thomas Hülsmann

Table of contents (14 articles)


Research Articles

  1. Tutoring Large Numbers: An Unmet Challenge
  2. Open-Distance Education as a Mechanism for Sustainable Development: Reflections on the Nigerian Experience
  3. Broadband: A Solution for Rural e-Learning?
  4. Distance Learning for Teacher Training in Brazil

Research Notes

Book Notes

Technical Notes

  1. 26. Best Practices in Online Conference Moderation
  2. 27. Educational Wikis: Features and selection criteria
  3. 28. Speak2Me: Using Synchronous Audio for ESL Teaching in Taiwan
  4. 29. Integrated Learning Management Systems
  5. 30. Vendor-Assisted Evaluation of a Learning Management System


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