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Canadian Journal of Higher Education
Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur

Volume 54, Number 1, 2024

Table of contents (12 articles)

Editor's Introduction / Introduction de la rédaction

  1. A New Issue and a New Team


  1. Pre-Service Physical Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Anticipated Challenges and Needs during Teacher Education Programs
  2. Meso-Foundations of Experiential Education in Ontario Universities: A Content Analysis of the Province’s Strategic Mandate Agreements
  3. “It's Kind of My Responsibility”: An Analysis of the Current EDI Discourse in Canadian STEM Fields and its Potential and Limitations to Contest Intersectional Discrimination
  4. The Strategic Role of Social Networks in Academic Leadership Development
  5. Embedding Health and Well-Being in Value Statements of Canada’s Post-Secondary Institutions: A Mixed Methods Study
  6. Graduate Student Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Individual Development Plans
  7. COVID-19 Caregiving Avalanche: The Impact on Emotional Exhaustion on Female Natural Science and Engineering Academics
  8. Systemic Racism in Canadian Higher Education: A Rapid Scoping Review of 22 Years of Literature

Book Reviews / Recensions


Back issues of Canadian Journal of Higher Education / Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur