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Canadian Journal of Higher Education
Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur

Volume 51, Number 2, 2021

Table of contents (9 articles)


  1. The Effect of Women Academic Leaders on Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Professors
  2. What matters more? What matters less? Changes in the transition to post-secondary between two Toronto high-school cohorts
  3. Food Insecurity Among International Post-Secondary Students Studying on a Canadian Campus: A Qualitative Description Study
  4. Supporting First Nations and Métis Post-Secondary Students’ Academic Persistence: Insights from a Canadian First Nations-affiliated Institution
  5. International Students’ Motivations and Decisions to do a PhD in Canada: Proposing a Three-Layer Push-Pull Framework
  6. It’s Not Just a Pay Gap: Quantifying the Gender Wage and Pension Gap at a Post-Secondary Institution in Canada

Book Review / Recensions


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