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International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 7, numéro 3, décembre 2006

Sommaire (10 articles)


Research Articles

  1. Learners' Perspectives on What is Missing from Online Learning: Interpretations through the Community of Inquiry Framework
  2. Designing Websites for Learning and Enjoyment: A study of museum experiences
  3. Feedback Model to Support Designers of Blended-Learning Courses
  4. Partner Power: A study of two distance education consortia
  5. A Survey of a Study on the Reasons Responsible for Student Dropout from the Bachelor of Science Programme at Indira Gandhi National Open University
  6. Problem Formulation and Resolution in Online Problem-Based Learning
  7. Online Faculty Development and Assessment System (OFDAS)

Research Notes

Technical Notes


Anciens numéros de International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning