Nous voulons vous présenter dans ce texte une expérience pédagogique particulière que nous poursuivons depuis trois ans au Centre hospitalier Malartic en Abitibi et que nous avons appliquée au Centre hospitalier d’Amos avec des membres du personnel des départements de psychiatrie et d’obstétrique-gynécologie, et à l’hôpital Notre-Dame de Montréal. Cette expérience vise à donner une formation en psychothérapie aux thérapeutes, en leur apprenant à s’utiliser comme medium dans la relation thérapeutique. Pour y arriver, nous utilisons des techniques qui, si elles rappellent celles vécues en thérapie personnelle ou relatées en supervision, en différent par leur approche originale.
In this text we have presented a certain pedagogic experiment that we have been carrying out for the last three years at the Malartic Hospital Centre in Abitibi and that we have applied to the Amos Hospital Centre with staff members of the psychiatric and obstetrics and gynaecology departments, and to the Notre Dame Hospital in Montreal. This experiment aims to provide the therapists with a training in psychotherapy, teaching them to use themselves as medium in the therapeutic relationship. To achieve this end, we use techniques which, while bearing similarities to those personalIy experienced by the therapists in therapy or learned in training, differ by the originality of their approach.
We have thus attempted to show you a pedagogic experiment involving members of a hospital medical staff who, for the most part, had no specialized training and who were able to find in themselves a great inner intelligence and use it in their relations with their patients. For that it was necessary to teach them the means of identifying certain signals coming from themselves and to consider them as a certain kind of knowledge. We stress the fact that the originality of the method used has permitted the use of this type of pedagogy in an environment in which the therapists know one another and work together. We think that this kind of pedagogy should be included with traditional teaching in order that the therapist may draw upon both.