Volume 10, Number 2, 2024 Performing (in) Place: Space, Relation, Action Guest-edited by Jenn Cole and Melissa Poll
Image Caption: Still from bzindin naamaa'ing (listening underneath, 2020). Credit: Jenn Cole, with Cara Mumford, William Kingfisher, and Bennett Bedoukian.
The special issue “Performing (in) Place: Space, Relation, Action” focuses on artistic expressions that create renewed awareness of the networks of relations that create territory in the context of Indigenous sovereignties and decolonization. Authors and artists in this issue offer critical engagement with notions of place making: ways in which our creative actions animate shared spaces as well as how place animates us. In this follow-up to Performing (in) Place: Moving on/with land, the editors (Jenn Cole and Melissa Poll) are interested in actions that exist in addition to/beyond spoken acknowledgments of territory and how these actions enable Indigenous people, other than human kin, and Settler collaborators to lift each other up in resurgent and decolonization efforts.
Table of contents (8 articles)
Editorial Notes
Antikoni in a Settler Classroom on Kumeyaay Land: Storytelling “in the Meantime” to Imagine “Beyond” It
Startled Stomach: Contemporary Indigeneity and Sensorial “Culture Shock” in Aljenljeng Tjaluvie’s Paiwan Pop Music
Toward Becoming Good Relatives: Not-Dancing to Centre Indigenous Presence in the Dance Classroom