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Editor/Rédacteur en chef
Sonya A. Dehler Geological Survey of Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography 1 Challenger Drive, P.O. Box 1006 Dartmouth NS Canada B2Y 4A2 Tel: (902) 426-4289 Fax: (902) 426-6152 E-mail:
Editor/Rédacteur en chef
Steve R. McCutcheon Geological Surveys Branch - DNR 495 Riverside Drive P.O. Box 50 Bathurst NB Canada E2A 3Z1 Tel: (506) 547-2070 Fax: (506) 547-7694 E-mail:
Karen Dawe Geological Association of Canada St. John’s NL Canada A1B 3X5 Tel: (709)737-2151
Copy Editor/Secrétaire de rédaction
C.P.G. Pereira, St. John’s NL
Associate Editors/Rédacteurs associés
B.E. Broster, Fredericton NB D. Lavoie, Québec City QC C. Lowe, Sidney BC J. Greenough, Kelowna BC A.V. Morgan, Waterloo ON G.L. Williams, Dartmouth NS
Assistant Editors/Directeurs adjoints
Economic Geology Models: D. Lentz Geology and Wine: R.W. Macqueen Geology of the Parliament Buildings: D. VanDine Igneous Rock Associations: G. Pe-Piper Great Mining Camps of Canada: R. Cathro Remote Predictive Mapping: J.R. Harris
Peter I. Russell, Waterloo ON
Jean Alfred Renaud, Sherbrooke QC
Bev Strickland, St. John’s NL
Tri-Co Printing Inc., Ottawa ON
Geological Association of Canada c/o Department of Earth Sciences Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s NL Canada A1B 3X5 Tel: (709) 737-7660 Fax: (709) 737-2532
© Copyright 2007 Geological Association of Canada/ L’Association géologique du Canada All rights reserved/
Tous droits réservés ISSN 0315-0941/03-04
Volume 34 Numbers 3/4
A journal published quarterly by the Geological Association of Canada, incorporating the Proceedings.
Une revue trimestrielle publiée par l’Association géologique du Canada et qui en diffuse les actes.
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Cover. Anyox, BC, in August 1983 (courtesy of Tom Schroeter), looking west across Falls Creek with the black smelter slag dumped on the shore to the left, Powerhouse No. 2 at the foot of the waterfall on the right, the terrace where the former smelter was built above the powerhouse, and the smokestacks on the ridge behind. The powerhouse has been recognized as an important heritage site and nominated for inclusion in the Kitimat Stikine Regional District Heritage Register.