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First Peoples Child & Family Review
A Journal on Innovation and Best Practices in Aboriginal Child Welfare Administration, Research, Policy & Practice

Volume 4, Number 1, 2009

Table of contents (13 articles)


  1. Foreword
  2. Editorial:The Legacy of a Child: Jordan’s Principle
  3. YOUTH PERSPECTIVE: Reflections on Racism
  4. POEM: Can You Hear Me Through the White Noise?
  5. Going Back to the Roots: Using the Medicine Wheel in the Healing Process
  6. Mental Health Promotion as a Prevention and Healing Tool for Issues of Youth Suicide in Canadian Aboriginal Communities
  7. The Occasional Evil of Angels: Learning from the Experiences of Aboriginal Peoples and Social Work
  8. Utilization of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect in First Nations Child Welfare Agencies in Ontario
  9. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Standards: Supporting Children in the Care of Children’s Services
  10. One Indigenous Academic’s Evolution: A Personal Narrative of Native Health Research and Competing Ways of Knowing
  11. Metaphorical Reflections on the Colonial Circus of the Drunken Indian and the Kidney Machine
  12. COMMENTARY: Knowledge Mobilization in the Real World - Seeking Wisdom
  13. THE FINAL WORD: After the Residential School Apology: Why All Canadians Should Care about a Racial Equality Case Before the Canadian Human Rights Commission

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