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First Peoples Child & Family Review
A Journal on Innovation and Best Practices in Aboriginal Child Welfare Administration, Research, Policy & Practice

Volume 2, Number 1, 2005

Table of contents (10 articles)


  1. Foreword : Time Is Right To Reach Back And Look Forward
  2. Editorial : To Reach Out in Friendship?
  3. Surviving the Storm
  4. First Nations Women Workers' Speak, Write and Research Back: Child Welfare and Decolonizing Stories
  5. Strengthening the Spirit: Adapting Multisystemic Therapy (MST) for Native American Youth and Communities
  6. Can University/Community Collaboration Create Spaces for Aboriginal Reconciliation? Case Study of the Healing of the Seven Generations and Four Directions Community Projects and Wilfrid Laurier University
  7. Meenoostahtan Minisiwin: First Nations Family Justice "Pathways to Peace"
  8. Appyling Maslow's Hierarchy Theory
  9. Qallunaat Crossing: The Southern-Northern Divide and Promising Practices for Canada's Inuit Young People
  10. Same Country; Same Lands; 78 Countries Away: An exploration of the nature and extent of collaboration between the Voluntary Sector and First Nations Child and Family Services Agencies in British Columbia

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