Diversité urbaine
Managing editor(s): Tania Saba (Directrice) / Editor(s): Myriam Bernet (Adjointe à la rédaction), Anne Fleischman (Éditrice adjointe)
Journal preceded by Les Cahiers du Gres
The journal Diversité urbaine was created in 2000 within the Groupe de Recherche Divesité Urbaine (GRDU). Since 2019, it has been led by Tania Saba, founder and holder of the BMO Chair in Diversity and Governance.
Diversité urbaine aims to foster original thinking on diversity management and governance issues. It has a multidisciplinary and intersectional vocation. It has a multidisciplinary and intersectional vocation. By publishing empirical research form the social and human sciences, Diversité urbaine aims to stimulate the sharing of knowledge between researchers, public decision-makers and various stakeholders interested in a better understanding of the dynamics of diversity in our contemporary societies, particularly in the world of workin and training.
The published articles pay particular attention to issues of equity, diversity and inclusion at the level of both individuals and organization, in Quebec and in the rest of the world. The review is part of the context of awareness of the importance of equal rights and the fight against discrimination and ineqalities. Diversité urbaine is predominantly French-speaking knowledge dissemination platform that accept article proposals in English.
Site internet Diversité urbaine
Contact the journal
- Email: diversite-urbaine@umontreal.ca
- Phone: (514) 343-5992
Back issues (27 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
- Volume 21, Number 3, 2024
Volume 21, Number 2, 2024
Notes de recherche sur les paysages urbains : reflets fidèles ou images déformées de la diversité sociolinguistique ? Volet 2 : paysages linguistiques européens -
Volume 21, Number 1, 2024
Notes de recherche sur les paysages urbains : reflets fidèles ou images déformées de la diversité sociolinguistique ? Volet 1 : paysages linguistiques du « bout du monde »
Editorial policy and ethics
Editorial policy
- The journal publishes both thematic issues and non-thematic publications.
- Submissions can be sent to us at any time.
- The journal only publishes unpublished texts. Manuscripts already published or submitted elsewhere are not accepted. No form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, will be tolerated.
- By publishing in the journal, the authors assign all copyright related to the article. Once the article has been accepted for publication, they will need to complete and sign a copyright assignment form.
- The journal is based on the recommandations of COPE and its guide of conduct and best practices in publishing.
Anti-plagiarism policy
Diversité urbaine only publishes original articles and does not tolarate any form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. All our authors are required to respect the rules relating to cppyright, wether it concerns the use of texts and extracts form texts, tables, figures or photographs. Excplicit mention of the authors of the material used must be clearly mentioned. If plagiarism is detected during the first evaluation by the editorial board or during peer review, the article will be rejected. If it is detected after publication, measures will be taken to inform the readership.
Information for contributors
Submission procedure
- Manuscripts may be submitted at any time to the following email address: diversite-urbaine@umontreal.ca
- In the context of a call for papers, the following procedure will be followed:
- A submission proposal should be sent to the journal
- A notification of acceptance will be sent to you afterwards
- The final manuscript must be submitted according to the scheduled date
Review procedure for all manuscripts
If the journal team deems the article eligible for the review process, the text is submitted anonymously to two reviewers with expertise in the field.
Selected articles must be revised in light of the reviewers' comments. The author should send a short letter to the journal team (along with the revised article) explaining how he or she has responded to all of these comments.
The journal team reserves the right to make editorial corrections.
Editorial board
Director and Editor-in-chief
Tania Saba
Deputy Editor
Anne Fleischman
Associate Editor
Myriam Bernet
Advising comity
Sébastien Arcand
HEC Montréal
Felix Ballesteros Leiva
Université Laval
Catherine Beaudry
Université du Québec à Rimouski
Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset
Université Laval
Marie-Thérèse Chicha
Université de Montréal
Pénélope Codello
HEC Montréal
Marie-Ève Dufour
Université Laval
Diane Gagné
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Émilie Genin
Université de Montréal
Fasal Kanouté
Université de Montréal
Géraldine Mossière
Université de Montréal
Constance Perrin-Joly
La Sorbonne/IRIS
Maryse Potvin
Université du Québec à Montréal
Sylvie Saint-Onge
HEC Montréal